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Now, smoke still rose up from the warm ground over the desolate hills.

Now, researchers may have found an important link in the brain to smoking addiction. 如今,研究者们已经发现大脑可能与吸烟上瘾有着一种重要的联系。
Now, scientists may have a way to develop new treatments for severe itching. 现在,科学家可能发现了治疗严重搔痒症的新方法。
Now, scientists may have a way to develop new treatments for severe itching. They report finding a gene that sends the itch signal up the spinal cord to the brain. 如今,科学家们可能发现一种治疗严重瘙痒的治疗方法.他们报告找到一种基因,而这种基因可以给出痒的信号从脊髓到大脑.
Now, she says, people like her are glad to be able to “leave behind this really bad impression we had then. 现在,她说像他这样的人乐于能够“把我们曾经拥有过的这些实在糟糕的印象抛在脑后。
Now, sit up straight, feet on the floor (women may cross their legs), and look the interviewer in the eye. 现在,就坐直了吧.脚放地上,(女生交叉双腿也是可以的),看着面试官的眼睛.
Now, smoke still rose up from the warm ground over the desolate hills. 而现在,发热的地面上仍然升腾着烟雾,弥漫在荒凉的山丘上。
Now, snuggle right down and I'll tuck you up. 快缩到被子里去,我来给你盖好。
Now, so long as you sit in front of the computer, so long as you are familiar with mouse and keyboard, can become the outstanding soccer expert equally, get in playing various ultra and gorgeous ball styles of crown of the head, do not want to have a try? 现在,只要您坐在电脑前,只要您熟悉鼠标和键盘,一样可以成为优秀的足球专家,玩出各种超绚的颠球花样来,不想试试么?
Now, society is full of competition. 现在这个社会到处充满了竞争。
Now, start pumping the cement! 现在开始注水泥。
Now, studies suggest that regular fluorescent lights will work as well. 现在研究表明普通荧光也有效果。

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