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Unfortunately, he suffered from sudden onset of aphasia one week later.

Unfortunately, game theory shows that many threats can and should be ignored, since a man is never as good as his word in game theory land. 不幸地,博弈理论显示许多威胁可能会被忽略,因为一个人从未达到在博弈时所说的那样。
Unfortunately, governments did not weed out failed industrial experiments, instead keeping them alive alongside thriving ones. 不幸的是,政府没有剪除那些失败的工业试验,相反在保留繁荣行业的产业的同时也把这些失败的产业保留了下来。
Unfortunately, habituation applies to positive aspects of our lives as well. 不幸的是,这种适应性也体现在我们对待生活的积极一面上。
Unfortunately, he and one of us (Randerson) have been unable to replicate this result, so the situation continues to be unclear. 不幸他与笔者之一(蓝德森)都无法复制这个结果,因此实情还不清楚。
Unfortunately, he bought into his own hype. 但不幸的是,他有点得意忘形了。
Unfortunately, he suffered from sudden onset of aphasia one week later. 不幸的是,术后一星期突然出现失语症。
Unfortunately, he was given away and arrested in Wenzhou, jugging in FangYan where Kuomintang stayed temporarily in 1942. 1942年2月由于叛徒出卖,不幸在温州被捕,关押在国民党浙江省政府临时驻地方岩。
Unfortunately, his career was cut short by his early death from Cardiomyopathy at 5 years of age. 不幸的是,它的生涯因心肌病在5岁的时候被迫中断。
Unfortunately, his damaging attacks on the impacts of the economic policy have been undermined by his wholehearted acceptance of that policy's underlying assumptions. 可惜的是,他一心一意接受该经济政策的潜在假设,从而削弱了他对该政策影响的破坏性攻击。
Unfortunately, however, the lasers' limited power restricts their range. 然而,限制雷射的功率同时也限制了它的运作距离。
Unfortunately, in real life, the physical and human capital previously employed in these industries is not easily transferable to other, more productive uses for many reasons—the lack of additional investment, shortage of information on markets and new te 不幸的是,在现实生活中,这些行业中先前所拥有的物质和人力资本却不容易转移到其它产业实现较大的生产用处,这是因为:缺乏额外投资、缺乏市场信息和新技术等等。

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