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Chinese children like to buy many firecrackers before the Spring Festival.

Chinese boy looks at recycled bottles hung on a tree made of steel at the Blue Spaceexhibition in China's capital Beijing August 31, 2005. 中国北京近日有一场名为「蓝色空间」的展览,主题是提倡环保意识。
Chinese calligraphy is as beautiful as a picture. 中国书法具有很高的观赏价值。
Chinese car sales increased by 60-70 per cent in 2002 and 2003 and in the first quarter of 2004, before slowing abruptly later in the year, leaving dealers saddled with large stocks of unsold cars. 2002年、2003年和2004年第一季,中国汽车销售增长60%至70%,之后在2004年晚些时候突然减缓,令经销商出现大量汽车存货积压。
Chinese carriers are expected to order almost 2,000 planes over the next 15 years. 中国运输公司很有可能在未来15年内定购2000架飞机。
Chinese cartoon glitter its brilliant glory even as one member, world of cartoon. 中国动画作为世界动画的一分子也闪耀着它夺目的光辉。
Chinese children like to buy many firecrackers before the Spring Festival. 中国孩子会在春节前买很多鞭炮。
Chinese children practise gymnastics at a sports school in Bozhou, in east China's Anhui province August 3, 2005. 安徽亳州的体育学校里,学生正在进行体操训练。
Chinese cities often seem wrapped in a toxic gray shroud. 中国的城市看起来常常象是包裹在一层有毒的、灰白的裹尸布中。
Chinese citizens domestic tourism business, ticket agents, tourist items (excluding jewelry) retail. 中国公民国内旅游业务,门票代理,旅游纪念品(不含金饰品)的零售。
Chinese citizens' only real investment choices are property, which is illiquid, and the stock market. 中国居民仅有的现实投资选择,一是流动性很差的房地产,二是股市。
Chinese city planning embraces the principle of a civic order, formed in large part by the creation of open spaces planned and executed at a grand scale. 中国的城市规划都强调公民秩序,形式上主要表现为规模巨大的公共开放空间的规划和建立。

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