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We prefer chubby men, of course, ideally with a real beard but we're not picky and take what we get,he said.

We plan for some of the roles progressively to be conducted by Iraqi personnel. “我们计划将日益增多的军队及其他任务交给伊拉克人自己处理。”
We plan to come back on the same day next year and try for a baby and the prize nine months later,she said. “我们打算明年的这一天再回来,想九个月后生个宝宝、拿个奖。”
We plan to dig a hole all the way through the earth!one of the brothers volunteered excitedly. “我们计划挖一个洞,一直穿过地球到达另一端!”兄弟俩中的一个兴奋地抢先说道。
We played well and we never gave up, not even when in difficultly. Very little separated us from the Coppa Italia final and this is a positive sign. “我们踢得很好,而且一直都没有放弃努力,即使遇到困难是也继续拼。我们离意大利杯决赛仅一步之遥,这一点是应该给予肯定的。”
We prayed that Allah may give him 200 years to live,Khan said. 可汗说:“我们向真主阿拉祈祷,赐予他200年的生命。”
We prefer chubby men, of course, ideally with a real beard but we're not picky and take what we get,he said. 他说:“体型偏胖的男性更适合这一职位,如果有胡子就更好了。但我们的条件不是很苛刻,通常都是‘来者不拒’。”
We prefer chubby men, of course, ideally with a real beard but we're not picky and take what we get,he told Reuters. 我们偏爱那些体形较胖的男人,当然,最好真的长着一脸胡须,不过我们也并非吹毛求疵之人,原则上是来者不拒。”
We presume the cause of death was heart failure stemming from exhaustion,a Taegu provincial police official said by telephone. 大丘警方说:“死者的死因是由于精疲力尽而导致的心力衰竭。”
We promise not to give our daughters in marriage to the peoples around us or take their daughters for our sons. 30并不将我们的女儿嫁给这地的居民,也不为我们的儿子娶他们的女儿。
We put them in a bell jar overnight and allowed them to be slowly moistened,he explained. “我们头一天晚上就把它们放在一个钟形的玻璃容器里面,让它们慢慢变湿。”他说。
We ran into some complications when we tried to shatter your kidney stone, Mr.Miller. 米勒先生,当我们设法粉碎你的肾结石时产生了某些并发症。

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