Job prospects are generally bright in Japan's powerhouse—the nearly uninterrupted megalopolis that stretches south-west in a strip nearly 300 miles (480km) long down Japan's main Honshu island, from Tokyo, through to Osaka, Japan's second city, to beyond
工作基本上集中在日本经济的核心-位于本州岛,几乎连成一片的向西南伸展的绵延约300英里(480公里)长的人口稠密区域,从东京开始,通过日本第二大城市大阪,直到神户更远的地区。 |
Job redesign refers to changing the tasks or the way work is performed in an existing job.
职位再设计是指在一个现有的职位上改变所要完成的工作任务或者是改变工作完成方式的过程. |
Job requires work on nights, weekends, and holidays to perform plant maintenance during production shutdown periods.
该工作需要在夜间,周末、假日非生产时间到工厂进行维修工作. |
Job responsibilities include receiving clients and guests, telephone switchboard, and administrative duties.
工作包括客户接待,电话转接,及其他相关行政工作。 |
Job security and other hard-won gains by the unions are undermined.
契约劳动的雇用快速成长也成为一项规范。 |
Job seekers have buffaloed lenders as to their competency and training.
求职者已经在他们的才能和历练上诓骗了用人单位。 |
Job stress has been known to trigger heart problems in people who already have cardiovascular disease.
众所周知,对于心血管功能不好的人来说,太大的工作压力更容易引起心血管疾病。 |
Job tracking system created for a university department that deals with computer-related problems encountered by both students and staff.
该软件是为大学中的系部门创建,用于处理学生和教职员工遇到的各种计算机问题。 |
Job well done, let these dog poo ---- let America's lap dog writhe and die in pain!
干得好,让那些狗东西——让美国的哈巴狗死去吧! |
Job-hopping also gives employers a chance to benefit from the new ideas and skills that different people bring to their jobs, even if such people are employed for only a short time.
“跳槽”也让雇主有机会从不同的雇员为工作带来的新点子和技能中获益,即使这些人只是短期聘用。 |
Job-hunters may not be overly concerned about what their bosses know, Morgan said.
摩根说,网上求职者也许不太担心老板会知道他们的行为。 |