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Those stored in the warehouse are transit goods.

Those standards require that we plan and perofrm the audit to obtain reasonable assurance as to whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. 这些准则要求我们计划和执行审计工作来财务报表是否无重大误述获得足够的确信。
Those stars are millions of miles away. 那些星离这儿数百万英里远.
Those static block boxes just keep flowingone after another as though the float were not there. 那些静态的块盒知识保持一个接一个地”跟随“,就好像没有浮动不在那里一样。
Those staying at this hotel all rate it very highly. 在该饭店住宿的人都对它评价极高。
Those stockholders very optimize for their firm's future. 股东们对公司的末来非常乐观。
Those stored in the warehouse are transit goods. 仓库中的货物是过境货物。
Those stories look like the ingredients for a boom as heady as the roaring 1920s or the “greed is good” era of the 1980s. 这些故事与那些构成了上世纪“狂热的二十年代”和“贪婪即美德”的八十年代的狂热繁荣的要素如出一辙。
Those stroke patients getting acupuncture along with physical therapy did a lot better than those getting physical therapy alone.Margeret Naeser of the Boston University School of Medicine explains. 结合使用针刺和物理疗法的病人比单纯使用物理疗法的病人康复得快得多。”
Those students and teachers paticipating in make positive feedback on the experiment and agree the reform is worth extending. 由大学生共同参与的这种改进型考试模式在突出知识应用性方面是成功的,值得推广。
Those students avoid sensitivity, conquering conflict, fostering adamancy, promoting strategy, which benefit poor undergraduates to walk out dual poorfrom the deep end. 避免敏感化、克服冲突化、培养刚性化的心理能力促进策略有益于贫困大学生真正走出“双贫’困境。
Those students who are willing to work in the remote and poor area can get special subsidy. 那些毕业后自愿到中国的边远和贫困地区工作的学生可以得到特别补助。

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