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The study also indicated that all the tree species but Keteleeria evelyniana appearing to have an aggregate distribution had a random distribution in the canopy layers and all the dominant species had a aggregate distribution in the renewal layers.

The study also found older people did unpaid voluntary workworthbillions of pounds a year and also contributed as carersforrelatives. 这项研究还发现,年纪较大的人每年从事价值数十亿英镑的无偿义务工作,还在照顾亲属方面做出了贡献。
The study also found that 27 per cent of US internet users say they read blogs. 研究还表示,美国27%的用户说自己看博客。
The study also found that taking a sleeping pill every day increased the risk of death by 25 percent. 研究还发现每天服一粒安眠药会导致死亡率上升25%。
The study also found the likelihood of a woman being single increased with her home's proximity to the downtown area. 此外,调查发现,家离城区越近的女性,单身的可能性越大。
The study also has implications for transplantation strategies in other areas of the central nervous system, he says. 这一研究对其他中枢神经系统领域的移植研究有指导意义。
The study also indicated that all the tree species but Keteleeria evelyniana appearing to have an aggregate distribution had a random distribution in the canopy layers and all the dominant species had a aggregate distribution in the renewal layers. 研究还表明,在林冠层中,除了滇油杉在山坡上部为聚集分布外,其他树种的分布格局均呈随机分布;在更新层中,优势种类均为聚集分布。
The study also revealed drivers' pet hates . 此外,调查还发现了司机们最讨厌的几类同行。
The study also revealed that, inhibitory effect was much pronounced in root and lateral root development rather than germination and shoot growth. 研究还显示,提取物对植物根和侧根的抑制作用比对种子萌发和茎的生长抑制作用更显著。
The study also showed that low earners are choosing to eat unhealthily. Their food choices were not linked to their income, their access to shops or their cooking skills. 调查表明,低收入人群不健康的饮食方式是自身造成的。他们的饮食选择与收入、离商店的远近及烹饪技巧并没有必然联系。
The study also showed that steam cleaning of the sheets was equally effective as hot water (140 degrees Fahrenheit) washing at killing dust mites and removing dog dander and pollen. 该研究同样表明:用蒸汽清洗床单同用热水(140华氏度)洗相比,在杀死尘螨、清除狗毛和花粉方面效果一样。
The study also shows that continuous sand inflow is indeed one of the most key mechanisms by CHOP for IOR, such as forming highly flowing channels, removing skin effect and improving fluid flowing performance in have oil reservoir. 地层连续出砂使得井筒附近形成高渗流通道,解除了表皮污染,改善了油藏中流体的流动特性。

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