A. If client wears glasses or contact lenses, ask to read print from newspaper while wearing glasses. Note distance from the eyes that client holds the newspaper. |
中文意思: 带眼镜或隐形眼镜者,可要求其带眼镜阅读报纸,注意受检者看报时眼睛与报纸的距离。 |
A. I'm free this afternoon .
我今天下午有空。 |
A. I'm sorry. I spilled wine on your carpet! I'll get it cleaned for you.
对不起,我把葡萄酒洒到你的地毯上了。我会帮你清理干净的。 |
A. I've heard a whisper that he has cancer.
我听到他得了癌症的传闻。 |
A. I. Tauber ed., Science and the Quest for Reality, Macmillan Press Ltd., 1997, p. 5.
刘为民:《“赛先生”与五四新文学》,济南:山东大学出版社,1997年第1版,第63、166、154页。 |
A. I. Tauber, Epilogue. A. I. Tauber ed., Science and the Quest for Reality, Macmillan Press Ltd., 1997, pp. 395~410.
米勒:《爱因斯坦?毕加索——空间、时间和动人心魄之美》,方在庆等译,上海:上海科技教育出版社,2003年第1版,第255~256页。 |
A. If client wears glasses or contact lenses, ask to read print from newspaper while wearing glasses. Note distance from the eyes that client holds the newspaper.
带眼镜或隐形眼镜者,可要求其带眼镜阅读报纸,注意受检者看报时眼睛与报纸的距离。 |
A. If more than one buyer is needed, each buyer can be assigned certain products and specialize in knowing the market for those products.
如果需要不只一名采购师,那么每一名采购师可以被安排在某种产品上,并得以专门了解那些产品的市场。 |
A. Inspect auricle for placement, size, symmetry, and color.
检查耳廓布局、大小、对称性和颜色。 |
A. Inspect eye position with eyes open. Note if any portion of lower conjunctiva is visible.
受检者睁蛝,检查眼睛位置。注意结膜是否理垂。 |
A. Instruct client to look straight ahead toward you, keeping head motionless throughout examination.
嘱病人直视检查者,检查时头部保持不动。 |
A. It will start around July, and the testing will be focused on balance issues.
估计时间会在7月中,测试重点放在游戏平衡性上。 |