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I will give my ears to get it.

I will get up now and go about the city, through its streets and squares; I will search for the one my heart loves. 2我说,我要起来,游行城中,在街市上,在宽阔处,寻找我心所爱的。
I will get your driver for you. 6我帮你去找你的司机。
I will give You thanks in the great congregation; I will praise You among a mighty throng. 诗35:18我在大会中要称谢你、在众民中要赞美你。
I will give all my endless love to you. 我将把我全部无尽的爱给你。
I will give it into the hands of the foreigners as plunder and to the wicked of the earth as spoil, and they will profane it. 结7:21我必将这殿交付外邦人为掠物、交付地上的恶人为掳物、他们也必亵渎这殿。
I will give my ears to get it. 我要不惜一切代价搞到它。
I will give my eternal love to you. 我将把我无尽的爱给你。
I will give thanks to You, O Lord my God, with all my heart, And will glorify Your name forever. 诗86:12主我的神阿、我要一心称赞你.我要荣耀你的名、直到永远。
I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart; I will tell of all Your wonders. 诗9:1〔大卫的诗、交与伶长、调用慕拉便。〕我要一心称谢耶和华.我要传扬你一切奇妙的作为。
I will give them singleness of heart and action, so that they will always fear me for their own good and the good of their children after them. 40又要与他们立永远的约,必随着他们施恩,并不离开他们,且使他们有敬畏我的心,不离开我。
I will give to him who thirsts from the spring of the water of life freely. 我要将生命泉的水白白赐给那口渴的人喝。

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