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He is expected to go before an Iraqi war crimes tribunal some time in the coming year.

He is exempt from punishment about this thing. 关于此事对他已免于处分。
He is exercising in the gym. 他在体育馆里运动。
He is expected to begin practicing in April. 他预计将在四月份的时候开始训练。
He is expected to call for a cut in output, arguing that global supplies are plentiful. 预计他将呼吁减产,理由是全球石油供应充足。
He is expected to get through to the finals. 我们期待他进入决赛。
He is expected to go before an Iraqi war crimes tribunal some time in the coming year. 预计他将在明年受到伊拉克军事法庭的战争罪审理。
He is expected to make a call to the people irrespective of the party and opinion to stand beside the flood victims. 估计他要给政党的每个人打电话,要大家和受灾区群众站在一起。
He is expected to take over as prime minister on Wednesday. 预计布朗将于本周三接任首相之职。
He is expected to visit Beijing, Seoul, and Tokyo over the next week for talks aimed at getting a crucial February agreement back on track. 他有可能于下周分别访问北京、首尔和东京进行会谈,力图使至关重要的二月协议重新步入正轨。
He is expected to win the game with ease. 预计他在比赛中会轻易获胜。
He is experienced in hunting. 他打猎很有经验。

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