In the ensuing clashes, reports said more than 1,000 riot police were forced back by angry villagers, leaving a trail of overturned buses, broken glass and burned-out police cars.
报道说,在接下来发生的冲突中,有1000名防暴警察愤怒的村民被逼退了,只剩下掀翻的汽车,打碎的玻璃和烧坏的警车. |
In the ensuing excitement, researchers advanced many theories to explain them: leaking aquifers (which would be inexplicably perched high on crater rims); pressurized geysers of water; high-pressure outbursts of carbon dioxide gas; volcanic heat sources a
在接下来的一阵狂热中,研究者提出许多的理论来解释:洩漏的含水层(在陨石坑外缘必须被抬升至非常高的高度)、受压的间歇泉、高压喷出的二氧化碳气体、深层的火山热源等。 |
In the ensuing months, political agitation reached new heights of violence, and economic sanctions were again invoked.
在此后的几个月里,政治愤慨激化上升到暴力行动的新高度,并且再度引发经济制裁。 |
In the ensuing struggle they grew more and more abject, crushed, exhausted while she surely rose to magnificent heights of insane fury of effort bred of her terror of me.
她把嘴张开了一会儿,但我什么都没看见.在我把压舌板抽出来之前她用臼齿紧紧咬住它不放嘴. |
In the ensuing struggle they grew more and more abject, crushed, exhausted while she surely rose to magnificent heights of insane fury of effort bred of her terror of me.
在接下来的“战斗”中他们越来越难堪,被摧垮了,直至精疲力竭。而这个女孩由于恐惧,她对我的抗拒达到了惊人的地步。 |
In the envelope were five lottery tickets that had been scratched, revealing the numbers.
信封内有五张彩票,都被刮过了,露出了数字。 |
In the environment of market economy, the economic lever should be taken to carry out the internalization of accident loss, including the increase of compensation, drawing pledge for work safety, enforcing penalty or forfeit, fluctuating the premium rate,
市场经济条件下,安全损失内部化须借助经济杠杆的调节作用,通过提高赔偿额度、提取安全生产抵押金、制裁或罚款、浮动保险费率、带薪工伤病假以及市场进退机制等手段,加大安全损失内部化力度。 |
In the environmental geological survey, the authors applies GIS techn ology in place of the traditional working procedure; the data compilation and processing system in place of the traditional paper data collection and field investigation; data managemen
摘要本文提出了基于GIS技术的环境地质调查项目工作模式代替传统的环境地质项目调查工作模式的思想,即用数据采集处理系统代替传统的资料收集和野外调查,用数据管理、预处理(分析)系统代替传统的资料整理和图件编制,用评价、预测和防治决策系统代替传统的项目综合分析及报告编制。 |
In the equation, P stands for Personal Characteristics (outlook on life, adaptability and resilience); E for Existence (health, friendships and financial stability) and H represents Higher Order (self-esteem, expectations and ambitions).
其中P代表个人性格(包括人生观、适应力和忍耐力);E代表生存需求(包括健康、友谊和财富),而H则表示高级心理需求(包括自尊、自我期许和抱负)。 |
In the era of electronic documents, provenance principle still has strong vitality and unsubstitutable significance.
电子文件时代,来源原则依然具有强大的生命力,它的指导意义具有不可替代性。 |
In the era of knowledge economy, institutions of higher education should attach greater importance to the management and application of knowledge property right as a vital new force in blazing new trails in science &technology as well as in high-tech indu
摘要在知识经的时代,高校作为科技创新和高科技产业的生力军,应更加重视知识产权的管理和运用工作。 |