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Upon reasonable notice by the Licensor, the Licensee shall permit access during normal business hours at its place of business to all such books and records and accounts and permit any representative of the Licensor to make copies thereof.

Upon re-reading, note that JKR is giving the reader every chance to pick up on Dobby's 'He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named' clue later on. 重读原文,会发现罗琳不遗余力,着重描述多比在后文中提到的“那个连名字都不能提的人”,以图吸引读者留意。
Upon reaching an appropriate age, children are encouraged, but not forced, to leave the nest. 一达到适当的年龄,孩子们就被鼓励,而不是被强迫,离开老窝。
Upon reaching downtown El Paso, I met an old man, a bum, on the street corner. 在刚进入爱坡索市区的时候,我看到有一个老头,一个流浪者,坐在街道的拐角处。
Upon reaching the 2,000-hit mark, the left fielder will be honored as a member of the Japanese Golden Players Club,which is akin to a Hall of Fame for professional baseball players in Japan. 当达到2000支安打,松井将会成为日本黄金球员俱乐部的荣誉会员,那如同是日本的名人堂。
Upon reaching the destination point the operation is reversed and the stored energy signatures are reconfigured into matter in proximity to the phase prism. 这种晶体电脑可以精确操纵能量和物体,是普通头脑所无法比拟的。
Upon reasonable notice by the Licensor, the Licensee shall permit access during normal business hours at its place of business to all such books and records and accounts and permit any representative of the Licensor to make copies thereof. 基于许可方享有适当的知悉权,被许可方应允许许可方在正常营业时间内在其营业地点查看所有的上述帐簿,并允许许可方的代表复印上述帐簿。
Upon receipt of a copy of the arbitration application, the respondent shall, within the time limit prescribed by the Arbitration Rules, submit its defence to the arbitration commission. 被申请人收到仲裁申请书副本后,应当在仲裁规则规定的期限内向仲裁委员会提交答辩书。
Upon receipt of a letter from Lily telling Tora that she would like to see him before she dies, Tora rushes to Okinawa, where Lily has fainted during one of her performances. 寅次郎收到莉莉从冲绳寄来的信,原来她在夜总会唱歌时晕倒入院,还说:「临死前,很想见寅一面」。
Upon receipt of bthe above,JOSLYN will replace the unitimmedately without charge. 在收到上述文件后,强世林将立即无偿更换被损坏的浪涌防护器。
Upon receipt of credit conform documents at our counter, we shal5a8l remit proceeds as instructed. 在我行柜面收到与信用证相符合的单证即视为我们获得指示可以汇款。
Upon receipt of credit conform documents at our counter, we shall remit proceeds as instructed. 在我行柜面收到与信用证相符合的单证即视为我们获得指示可以汇款。

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