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Various strategies, including the direct dilution method, have been utilized to enhance the performance of the refolding process; however, refinement and improvement on these methods are ongoing.

Various shifts in the time or phase position of individual pulses, causing difficulty in synchronization and/or detection. 脉冲在时间和相位上各种各样的漂移,结果导致同步和/或检测的困难。
Various social evils, such as corruption, crime and tyranny, are far from being eradicated. 各种社会弊病,如腐败,犯罪和暴政,还远远没有根除。
Various special business departments such as exit tour center, domestic tour center, entry tour center, marketing center, network selling center, visa center, ticket affairs center, movies and television production center, etc are set up under Guangdong H 广东和平国际旅行社有限公司下设出境旅游中心、国内旅游中心、入境旅游中心、营销中心、网络销售中心、签证中心、票务中心、影视制作中心以及各专线业务部门,并拥有海外全资公司新西兰和平国际旅行社。
Various specifications, various model, various case shape, much circle and single circle. Can also ask the glass glaze of design precise and trimming according to user, potentiometer. 多种规格,多种型号,多种封装形状,多圈,单圈。也可以按照用户要求设计的玻璃釉精密微调电位器。
Various speeds may be obtained by the use of large and small pulley . 利用大小皮带轮,可以获得不同的速度。
Various strategies, including the direct dilution method, have been utilized to enhance the performance of the refolding process; however, refinement and improvement on these methods are ongoing. 直接稀释法是复性程序中最简单的方法,但如何提高其复性效率仍在持续研究中。
Various strokes of misfortune led to his ruin. 他遭诸多不幸而一蹶不振.
Various studies have been made to attempt to itemize the energy flow of an entire ecosystem, taking into account factors such as incoming radiation, photosynthetic efficiency, etc. 为了详细说明整个生态系统的能量流,考虑了外来辐射、光合效率等等因素,已经进行了很多不同的研究。
Various studies have suggested that polyphenols - chemicals available in many foods - might disrupt these processes and provide some protection against Alzheimer's disease by neutralising the effect of damaging compounds called free radicals. 不同的研究显示,多元酚类这种化学成分存在很多食品中,可以阻断这个过程,并以化解自由基这种有害化合物的效果防範失智症。
Various successive partial plastic forming methods for processing groove, including thread rolling, cross rolling and skew rolling, splitting, rolling of spline shaft, split rolling, open-die extrusion of spline shaft/gear, extrusion of internal screwed t 摘要介绍了用于加工槽的各种连续局部塑性成形方法,包括螺纹轧制、横轧与斜轧、分劈、花键轴滚轧、劈分轧制、花键轴/齿轮开模挤压、花键套挤压、槽型换向器整体冷锻、外翅片管挤压一犁削、内/外螺纹管拉拔等。
Various technical improvements have made it possible to push the limits of photolithography. 各种技术若能改进,便可推进光蚀刻法的极限。

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