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If both MAUs of a twisted-pair link contain internal crossover functions, an additional external crossover is necessary.

If bloggers are out there creating media and talking about things that the mainstream media isn't covering, that may also help push the mainstream media to recognise that there are a lot of things out there that people care about that they've simply faile 当博客写手写出那些主流媒体没有涉及的新闻时,(这种做法)或许会帮助推动主流媒体认识到有很多人们很在意的事情发生了却被它轻易的忽视了。
If boiled eggs, with skin peeled off, are quickly fried and stewed in the pot, there will be tiger-skinnedeggs. 若将熟鸡蛋去皮过油炸一下,放入卤锅内,则为卤虎皮蛋。
If books - or any products - were roundly priced at £10, £15 or £20, then customers would frequently offer the correct change. 如果一本书(或其它任何产品)的标价正好是10英镑、15英镑或20英镑,那么顾客常常会交付刚刚好的金额。
If boredom comes, then just sit and be with the boredom. 如果厌烦来了,那就坐下来和厌烦在一起。
If born before 1930 of after 1993,add or subtract 12 to find your year. 如果早于1930年或者晚于1993年,则加减12得到代表你的年份。
If both MAUs of a twisted-pair link contain internal crossover functions, an additional external crossover is necessary. 如果双绞线链路的双MAU包含内部转换线路的功能,额外的外部转换线路是必须的。
If both kingdoms advocate a new order that would benefit everyone, their views on this new order is completely different. 如果两个国家提倡新的秩序那么双方都会得益,便是他们对新秩序的观点却又如此的大相径庭。
If both mouths were then parked at a convenient place in space, this time difference would remain frozen in. 如果我们接著把两个开口安置在适宜的空间位置上,这个时间差就会冻结住。
If both of a pair of homologous chromosomes are missing, nullisomy results. 如果一对同源染色体都缺失了,称为缺体。
If both parties are citizens of the same country or have established domicile in another country, the law of their own country or the country of domicile may be applied. 当事人双方国籍相同或者在同一国家有住所的,也可以适用当事人本国法律或者住所地法律。
If both these forwards are mobile, the Chelsea duo could easily be dragged all over the place. 如果两前锋灵活扯动,那么切尔西二人组将轻松地被随处牵制。

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