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The row over 25 million dollars in a bank account in Macao threatened last month's agreement to close down North Korea's nuclear reactor.

The rover was to use its rock abrasion tool Sunday to grind away at a martian outcropping dubbed Flat Rock,but the tool left no discernible impression on the rock,NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory reported. 火星车计划周日用其岩石削磨工具来切割一块被称为“平石”的露出地面的火星岩石,但据美国宇航局喷气推进实验室的报告称,该工具“在岩石上没有留下明显的痕迹”。
The roving channel is made of open or closed stainless steel pipe,with a fine-cast stainless steel presser finger and a special processed polyurethane false twister. 粗纱通道为闭式或开式不锈钢管,精密铸造不锈钢压掌,高效聚氨脂假捻器,锭翼不变形,不磨损,易清洗,使用寿命长。
The row has also engulfed 19-year-old tennis player Sania Mirza, already under a separate Islamic fatwa for wearing skirts on court, after she stormed out of a news conference on Sunday when pressed on her reported support for what Khushboo said. 印度对于性这个问题非常保守,有调查显示,大多数印度男子处女情结非常严重,希望自己的妻子在结婚前是处女,并拒绝与婚前有过性行为的女子结婚。
The row in Slough, Berks, erupted after The Sun exposed the constituency's own choice of candidate, Robert Oulds, as a gun nut. 当《太阳报》揭露出保守党自己选择的候选人罗伯特•欧尔兹是一个顽固坚持私人有权持有枪支的人时,伯克郡斯劳的不满终于爆发了。
The row on constitutional development has apparently taken its toll on people's trust in the central government, but not their confidence in Hong Kong's future development. 06政改争拗影响最大的,似乎是巿民对中央政府的信任程度,巿民对香港整体发展的信心则好像没有影响。
The row over 25 million dollars in a bank account in Macao threatened last month's agreement to close down North Korea's nuclear reactor. 澳门一超过2500万美元银行账户已威胁到上月达成的关闭朝鲜核反应堆的协议。
The row threatens to overshadow President George W Bush's visit to Vienna this week for an annual EU-American summit. 此次签证战将使总统布什本周赴维也纳参加美欧年会之行蒙上阴影。
The rowdy conduct of European, especially English, football fans is generally viewed with scorn by Americans, not a few of whom take a certain quiet pride in the contrast between American self-restraint and boozy European brutishness. 美国人通常瞧不起欧洲(尤其是英国)足球迷的粗暴行为;与欧洲人喝醉般的粗野行为相比,美国人的自我克制让很多美国人心中颇感自豪。
The rowdy element in the audience. 观众中有嚣张份子。
The rowdy schoolboys and apprentices take centre stage; behind them, stitching in a corner or singing to a doll, the girls remain as ghosts. 嬉闹的男生和学徒们始终站在前台,他们身后是躲在角落里或者对着玩偶唱歌的女孩,就像一道魅影。
The rows call to mind other battles over wind turbines. 争论呼吁关注电话塔风轮带来的种种问题。

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