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The dog clung like a limpet to the thief.

The dog came bounding up to its master. 那狗蹿到主人面前.
The dog cast light on her of its love. 狗儿使她明白它对她的爱。
The dog chased after me all the way. 那条狗一路上追著我。
The dog chased the raccoon up a tree. 这只狗把浣熊追赶到了树上。
The dog chewed up the cloth. 那只狗将布咬碎。
The dog clung like a limpet to the thief. 那条狗死死缠住小偷不放。
The dog cocked its ears at the sound of footsteps. 狗听到脚步声竖起了耳朵。
The dog cowered (down) under the table. 那只狗吓得蜷伏在桌子底下.
The dog days are passing, but this summer has been hot! 至今,夏天「欲断难断」,虽然最热的日子过了,但气温还是「高企」。
The dog days of August are upon us. 天气热得不得了,还有什麽比准备考试更让人对夏天厌烦?
The dog days of summer in the nation's capital. It's hot. It's humid. There is gotta be a better way to see Washington than this. How about this? 首都华盛顿的一个三伏天,酷热且潮湿。要逛华盛顿还有更好的法子,这个如何?

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