The Community carries out its functions through its Secretariat based in Jakarta, Indonesia.
共同体通过其位于印尼雅加达的秘书处发挥其职能。 |
The Community is established under Agreement Establishing of International Pepper Community and it is under the UN-ESCAP (United Nations-Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific).
共同体是在联合国经济及社会委员会下的国际胡椒共同体协议设立机构下成立的。 |
The Company adheres to the enterprise spirits of Honesty, Practice, Exploration and Innovation, sticks to the operational guidelines of being based on development, focus on efficiency and aimed at realizing at maximization of Shareholders, value and abide
公司秉执“诚信、务实、开拓、创新”的企业精神,坚持“以发展为前提,以效益为中心,以实现股东价值最大化为目标”的经营方针,遵照“以法经营,规范运作,科学决策,回报股东”的经营准则依托特殊的股东背景,辐射全国各地并得到各股东单位的大力配合和支持。 |
The Company adheres to the principle:To serve people and technology is the base.It goes forward to become the first-grade enterprise in china by making quality its brand and profit,price the market,competition the dvelopment.
公司奉行“以人为本、科技兴业”的宗旨,以品质创名牌,以质量求效益,以价格为市场,以竞争促发展,不断向着国内一流的企业迈进。 |
The Company agrees to refund the paid fees pro rata to the remaining subscription period.
如会员原因造成本公司无法正常提供服务,会员应承担相应责任。 |
The Company always adheres to the tenet of “Customer upmost, quality first, reasonable price and quality service”. Welcome to visit our company and cooperate with us.
公司秉承“客户至上、质量第一、价格合理、服务优质”的宗旨,诚邀国内外客户莅临参观,洽谈业务。 |
The Company always regards HR as the most important strategic resources and solicit and train various professionals extensively.
公司绐终将人力资源看作是最重要的战略资源,广泛吸收、培养各种技能的人才。 |
The Company and the Company Staff reserves the right to reject performing any tasks deemed to be dangerous, unreasonable and out of agreed service scope.
本公司及本公司之家务助理保留拒绝任何危险、不合理及非服务範围内工作之权利。 |
The Company and the Manning Office are providing tailored made and Multimedia Training courses as per Training Guidelines.
如培训手册中提到的,公司和人事部将提供(为您)量身定做的多媒体培训课程. |
The Company appropriated funds for the benefit of the “Sick and destitute of New Orleans, and Mobile, AL.
纽约人寿向纽奥良和阿拉巴马州莫比尔的穷人及病患捐款。 |
The Company comprises 13 sole subsidiaries, 5 share-holding subsidiaries, 1 property management company, 1 hospital, 1 division attached to the head-office and 1 overseas company with 5 regional representative offices.
下设13个全资子公司、5个控/参股公司、2个独立核算单位、2个分公司、1个海外公司、5个海外办事处。 |