Mace is most popular in European foods where it is used in both savory and sweet dishes. It is the dominant flavor in doughnuts.
肉豆蔻衣在欧洲菜肴里是非常流行的,他们喜欢将肉豆蔻衣加在开胃菜和甜味菜里做调味用,尤其是与炸甜甜圈搭配,更能突出其特有的香味. |
Macedonia away is a different kind of game and different context and you have to be aware of that.
本次客场挑战马其顿对我们而言是一场特别的比赛,必须展示出特别的节奏,而你必须意识到这一切。” |
Macedonia has yet to start negotiations.
马其顿还没有开始展开谈判。 |
Macedonia's authorities protect the local Orthodox church from its Serbian neighbour, whose priests, seen by patriotic Macedonians as agents of Serbia, may not cross the border wearing clerical garb. “The sort of thing you would expect in Turkey,” sniffs
马其顿当局保护当地的东正教会,所以在他们眼中被认为是塞尔维亚特务的塞尔维亚牧师不允许以牧师的身份进入马其顿。 |
Macedonian authorities are culling thousands of birds to deal with a less serious type of bird flu.
马其顿当局为了应对另一种相对不那么严重的禽流感,正在宰杀数以千计的禽鸟。 |
Macedonian general under Alexander the Great. He ruled Macedonia from287 to286.
利西麦克斯亚历山大大帝帐下一名马其顿将军,在287到286年期间统治马其顿 |
Machiavelli claimed to be introducing a new kind of writing about political authority, one that would pay attention to the real worldand not lose itself in dream about what might be.
马基维利被视为书写出全新的、有关政治威权的文章,主要著墨于「真实的世界」,而不是迷失在想像中的美梦。 |
Machiavelli, N. The Prince. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985.
《君王论》。芝加哥:芝加哥大学出版社,1985年。 |
Machiavelli. Excerpt from The Prince.
马基维利。节录自《君王论》。 |
Machiavelli: the point is that the chicken crossed the road, who cares why? The ends of crossing the road justify whatever motives there was.
马基雅维利:问题是小鸡过了马路,谁在乎为了什么?小鸡过马路的结果证明了其动机的合理性。 |
Machiavellian traits may not be equally beneficial to other lineages, however, or even to all primates, and so this notion alone is unsatisfying.
然而,马基维利形质在其他动物群中也许并不同样有利,即使灵长类也未必均蒙其利,因此这个理论并不是个令人满意的解释。 |