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[bbe] So Joshua sent them out: and they took up a secret position between Beth-el and Ai, on the west side of Ai: but Joshua kept with the people that night.

[bbe] So Jehu got into his carriage and went to Jezreel, for Joram was ill in bed there; and Ahaziah, king of Judah, had come down to see Joram. 于是耶户坐车往耶斯列去,因为约兰病卧在那里。犹大王亚哈谢已经下去看望他。
[bbe] So Jephthah went over to the children of Ammon to make war on them; and the Lord gave them into his hands. 于是耶弗他往亚扪人那里去、与他们争战.耶和华将他们交在他手中。
[bbe] So Joab had a horn sounded, and all the people came to a stop, and gave up going after Israel and fighting them. 于是约押吹角、众民就站住不再追赶以色列人、也不再打仗了。
[bbe] So Jonathan got up from the table, burning with wrath, and took no part in the feast the second day of the month, being full of grief for David because his father had put shame on him. 于是约拿单气忿忿的从席上起来、在这初二日没有吃饭.他因见父亲羞辱大卫、就为大卫愁烦。
[bbe] So Joshua overcame all the land, the hill-country and the South and the lowland and the mountain slopes, and all their kings; all were put to death: and every living thing he gave up to the curse, as the Lord, the God of Israel, had given him orders 这样约书亚击杀全地的人、就是山地、南地、高原、山坡的人、和那些地的诸王、没有留下一个.将凡有气息的尽行杀灭、正如耶和华以色列的神所吩咐的。
[bbe] So Joshua sent them out: and they took up a secret position between Beth-el and Ai, on the west side of Ai: but Joshua kept with the people that night. 约书亚打发他们前往.他们就上埋伏的地方去、住在伯特利和艾城的中间.就是在艾城的西边.这夜约书亚却在民中住宿。
[bbe] So King Zedekiah gave his oath to Jeremiah secretly, saying, By the living Lord, who gave us our life, I will not put you to death, or give you up to these men who are desiring to take your life. 西底家王就私下向耶利米说,我指着那造我们生命之永生的耶和华起誓,我必不杀你,也不将你交在寻索你命的人手中。
[bbe] So Michal let David down through the window, and he went in flight and got away. 于是米甲将大卫从窗户里缒下去.大卫就逃走、躲避了。
[bbe] So Moses did as the Lord had said, and before the eyes of all the people they went up Mount Hor. 摩西就照耶和华所吩咐的行.三人当著会众的眼前上了何珥山。
[bbe] So Moses did as the Lord said, numbering them as he had been ordered. 于是摩西照耶和华所吩咐的数点他们。
[bbe] So Moses made an order and had it given out through all the tents, saying, Let no man or woman make any more offerings for the holy place. 摩西传命,他们就在全营中宣告说,无论男女,不必再为圣所拿什么礼物来。

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