Wei also liked to dig out eels, catch frogs, and trap turtles. |
中文意思: 魏也喜欢掘出鳝鱼,捕捉青蛙,诱捕乌龟。 |
Wei Wang. Lyophilization and development of solid Protein pharmaceuticals[J ] . Int. J . Pharm. ,2000 ,203 :1260.
陈光明.蛋白质药品冷冻干燥技术研究进展[J].制冷空调与电力机械,2003,24(2):224. |
Wei Wei is a famous mezzo soprano singer in China. Her free, open, powerful voice is distinguished in the music community.
著名歌手,是国内乐坛少有的女中音,开阔宽广的声音,中气十足且具有爆发力。 |
Wei Y, Jigeng X, Hua D, et al. Preparation and physisorption characterization of D-glucose-templated mesoprous silica sol-gel materials [J]. Chem. Mater., 1999, 11: 2023.
郑金玉,丘坤元,危岩.有机小分子模板法合成二氧化钛中孔材料[J].高等学校化学学报,2000,21(4):647. |
Wei Yong, a former government official and the village's favorite son, is fighting to save Shang Ma.
魏勇是这个村子最有出息的孩子,他在政府里干过,现在正在努力抗争,希望能够挽救这个村子。 |
Wei Zhong Songshan, An Inquiry into the Shaolin martial arts, the world cultural heritage Longmen Grottoes, Louyang nine North Korea, ended in a clear demarcation line between the foot of Mangshan Mountain long history and magnificent Mother River-long Ye
巍巍中岳嵩山,武术祖庭少林寺,世界文化遗产龙门石窟,九朝古都洛阳,绵延的邙山脚下楚河汉界历史悠久,波澜壮阔的母亲河—黄河源远流长。 |
Wei also liked to dig out eels, catch frogs, and trap turtles.
魏也喜欢掘出鳝鱼,捕捉青蛙,诱捕乌龟。 |
Wei's Restaurant Equipment, Corp. was founded on July 4th, 2001.
闽东餐具公司建立于2001年7月4日。 |
Wei, 47, a former government official and the village's favorite son, the first to leave for college in the 1970's.
他曾经当过公务员,早在上个世纪70年代考上大学,第一次离开上马黄头村。 |
Wei-Fan Chen, Fu-Chien Chiu and Ta-Lee Yu, SCR and Current Divider Structure of Electrostatic Discharge Protective Circuit, Appl. no.:223652; Patent number: US 6,147,369; Issued/Filed Dates: Nov. 14, 2000/Dec. 30, 1998.
李淑娟,俞大立,陈伟梵,黄宏达,邱福千,“用以避免静电放电破坏之二极体结构”,(中华民国专利—公告日期-2000/1/23,证书号-发明第106004号,专利期限-1999/6/11~2018/2/4). |
Wei: Everybody's looking at him strangely.
小薇:大家都奇怪地看著他。 |
Wei: Should we 4)help Trev out?
小薇:我们该不该帮崔佛解围? |