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Born in Shunde, the martial art master and world-famous great star of acrobatic fighting in films, Li Xiaolong, was honest, modest, self-confident, full of exploratory and innovative spirit, having the fine traditional virtues of Shunde's people.

Born in New Market, Ontario, Canada on January 17th, 1962 to a working class family, growing up poor was tough for young Jim Carrey. 金·凯利1962年1月17日生于加拿大安大略省纽马克特的一个工人阶级家庭,在贫困中成长。
Born in North Carolina but raised in Maryland, Tori Amos was the daughter of a Methodist1 preacher 2. 桃瑞·阿莫斯出生在北卡罗来纳州,成长在马里兰州,她是一个卫理公会牧师的女儿。
Born in November,1975,Huanghai graduated from art college oil painting in Guangzhou in 1997,established the star city oil painting company in 1999,with an oil painting production base reaching a scale of 2000M2s.As the founder and leading role of Artistry 生于1975年11月,1997年毕业于广州美术学院油画系,1999年创立星城油画公司,建立规模为2000M2的油画生产基地,2005年重塑公司形象,全面更名为“御殿画业”。
Born in Omaha, Nebraska, the last in a line of three boys, Roddick moved to the Texas capital at age four. 出生在内布拉斯加州的奥马哈,家里最小的一个,安迪四岁就搬到了德州。
Born in Portland, Indiana, in 1852, Elwood Haynes invented one of the first successful gasoline-powered automobiles. 1852年时,生于印地安纳州波特兰的海恩斯是美国最早的汽车制造家之一,他成功的发明了第一部使用汽油发动的汽车。
Born in Shunde, the martial art master and world-famous great star of acrobatic fighting in films, Li Xiaolong, was honest, modest, self-confident, full of exploratory and innovative spirit, having the fine traditional virtues of Shunde's people. 一代顺德籍武术大师、国际武打巨星李小龙,平实、谦厚、自信、勇于探索创新,有着顺德人的优良传统美德。
Born in Singapore in 1936, artist Tong Siang Eng has participated in numerous local and overseas exhibitions. His works have been exhibited widely in China, Indonesia, Japan, Macau, Malaysia and Taiwan. 艺术家董长英1936年出生于新加坡,曾于本地及海外参加过多次美展,作品曾在中国大陆、印尼、日本、澳门、马来西亚及台湾等各地广泛展出。
Born in Tirol, Austria, he received his doctorate in chemistry at the University of Innsbruck in 1981. 他出生于奥地利提罗尔,1981年得到印斯布鲁克大学的化学博士学位。
Born in Wuhan, Hubei province. Entered the attached middle school of China central conservatory of music in 2004, followed professor Na Muna. 女、大提琴)1992.3.3出生在湖北省武汉。2004年考入中央音乐学院附中,师从娜木拉老师。现是中国少年室内乐团成员9518多人视频。
Born in Wuxi, Jiangsu province. 江苏无锡人。
Born in southern France in 1967, BOLISOS showed “crazy pursuitfor fashion and trend when he began garment design at 15 years. 1967年生于法国南部,15岁便开始服装设计的他,对服装与潮流有着“疯狂”的追求。

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