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METHODS 3,3-bis (dibenzyloxyphosphoiyl) propionic acid (5) and (6) were synthesized from tetraethyl methylene bisphosphonate via hydrolysis, chlorination of the acid, esterification, condensation, then 3,3-bis (dibenzyloxyphosphoryl) propanol (6) was obta

METAL PRODUCTS Deburring, Removing scratch, Sanding, Polishing for all kinds of Steel, Iron, Non-ferrous metal, Hairline finish of stainless steel etc. 金属制品加工适用于对所有钢、铁、有色金属、拉丝钢板的修边去毛刺、清除划痕、砂磨等加工。
METALS prices are sky-high, and countries with well developed mining industries are coining it. 金属价格徘徊于历史高位,拥有发达采矿业的国家大幅受益。
METHANE-INDUCED SMOG kept the young Earth comfortably warm—but not forever. 甲烷引起的霾使年轻的地球温暖宜人,但好景不常。
METHOD: Evaluating rationality of extraction by physical and chemic indexes and indexes of pharmacodynamics. 方法:通过药学及药效学指标对中间体不同精制工艺进行评价。
METHODOLOGY What do I need to know? How am I going to find out? Detail plans for primary and secondary research. 研究方法:需要了解哪些信息?用什么方法去获得?第一手研究和第二手研究的详细计划。
METHODS 3,3-bis (dibenzyloxyphosphoiyl) propionic acid (5) and (6) were synthesized from tetraethyl methylene bisphosphonate via hydrolysis, chlorination of the acid, esterification, condensation, then 3,3-bis (dibenzyloxyphosphoryl) propanol (6) was obta 方法以亚甲基偕二膦酸四乙酯(1)爲原料经水解、氯膦酰化、酯化、缩合得3,3-二(二苄氧膦酰基)丙酸(5),随后选择性硼氢化还原得3,3-二(二苄氧膦酰基)丙醇(6)。
METHODS 3-hydroxyestrogen reacted with dimethylsulfate in acetone in the presence of potassium carbonate. 方法以含3-酚羟基的雌激素类化合物为原料,丙酮为溶剂,在碳酸钾存在下与硫酸二甲醋反应。
METHODS Between August 1998 and July 2002, we cultured blood on admission from 19,339 inpatients and calculated the incidence of bacteremia on the basis of the population served by the hospital. 方法在1998年8月至2002年7月期间,我们对19339例住院患儿入院时的血标本进行培养,计算以医院服务人群为基础的菌血症发病率。
METHODS Cefsulodin was prepared, taking phenylacetic acid as the starting material, followed by sulfonation, resolution, acylation, amidation and substitution, in 5 steps totally. 方法以苯乙酸为原料,经磺化、拆分、酰化、酰胺化和取代五步反应合成头孢磺啶。
METHODS Compound Ganmaoling capsules on antibacterial action in vitro, antiviral action in vivo, fever in rabbits induced by bacterial endotoxin, and fever in rats induced by 2, 4-dinitrophenol were investigated. 方法以复方感冒灵片爲对照,观察复方感冒灵胶囊体外抗菌、抗病毒作用及对细菌内毒素致家兔发热和2,4-二硝基苯酚致大鼠发热等的影响。
METHODS Conducting field, collecting specimen, taxonomic study and consulting related data were used. 方法采用产地调查、标本采集、分类鉴定与文献查阅相结合的方法。

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