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Because of his fogy ideas, Old Tom brought the house about his ears.

Because of his casual, happy-go-lucky nature he made friends easily, and drug pushers supplied him everything he desired for nothing. 因为他的漫不经心、随遇而安的天性他很容易交到朋友,毒品贩子提供他任何想要的东西。
Because of his dishonesty, he has tripped himself up. 他因为不诚实,而陷入困境.
Because of his drinking, Michael was refused a job at every turn. 由于酗酒,迈克尔谋职时每次都遭拒绝。
Because of his encouragement, she won the best designer by her reformed cheongsam. (因为他的鼓励,她以她的改良式旗袍赢得了最佳设计师奖。)
Because of his familiarity with the local geography, Ares was hired by Baron Apros to capture his runaway bride, Rauny Winzalf, dead or alive. 由于他对当地地理环境颇为熟悉,被亚普罗斯雇佣来寻捕他出逃的未婚妻,劳妮·温沙尔夫,无论死活。
Because of his fogy ideas, Old Tom brought the house about his ears. 由于他的顽固观念,汤姆惹得全家与他为敌。
Because of his frustration with the situation, he resorted to violence. 因为他对处境的失望,而诉诸暴力。
Because of his good public image he have successively gained office. 由於他在公众中的良好形象,他已连续竞选获胜。
Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing. 因他的权能,又因他的大能大力,连一个都不缺。
Because of his high blood pressure, he's not a very good risk for life insurance. 他有高血压,所以不是很好的人寿保险对象。
Because of his hyperactivity and nonstop jabber, Les was placed in special education classes for the learning disabled in grade school and throughout high school. 由于莱斯非常好动,又含含糊糊地说个不停,所以他小学就被安排进一个专门为学习有障碍的学生开设的特教班,直到高中毕业。

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