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Neptune's rings do not fall into this neat dichotomy; their optical depth lies between the two extremes.

Nepalese girl Moni Mulepati, 24, and her secret beau Pem Dorje Sherpa, 23, created a world record when they tied the knot on Mt Everest. 24岁的尼泊尔女孩莫妮·穆勒帕蒂和她的神秘男友、23岁的夏尔巴青年番姆·多吉创造了一项世界纪录——在珠穆朗玛峰顶喜结良缘。
Nephron-sparing surgery such as partial nephrectomy may be appropriate in such cases. 手术方式常选用保留肾单位的术式,如肾部分切除术。
Nephrotoxicity is the most common finding in overdosage of vancomycin in pediatric patients. 在儿科过量使用万古霉素引起的肾毒性是最常见的。
Neptune is very cold-about 220 degrees below zero Celsius. 海王星)是一颗非常冷的星,大约在摄氏零下220度。
Neptune represents fears, confusion, and clarity. 海王星代表畏惧、混乱和清晰。
Neptune's rings do not fall into this neat dichotomy; their optical depth lies between the two extremes. 但是这简单的二分法却无法适用于海王星的星环系统,因为其光深度恰位于两极端之间。
Neptune, the 8th planet in our Solar System. 海王星,太阳系的第八颗行星。
Neptune, the sea-god, made strong bronze gates with heavy bolts and bars, to keep the giants down, while Zeus sent Briareus and his brothers, three giants with fifty heads and a hundred hands each, to stand guard over them. 海神尼普顿早了一座有着沉重的门闩的坚固的铜门,把他们锁在下面,宙斯有派了三个各有五十个头和一百只手的巨人--布里阿柔斯和他的兄弟在门外看守。
Nerazzurri close to an opening goal. From the left edge of the Bologna box Emre crosses to Martins, who from six yards out hits the right post. 蓝黑军团错过了一次机会。在对方禁区左翼埃姆雷将球送入禁区给马丁斯,后者门前6米射门击中右门柱。
Nere-sparing prostatectomy, designed to presere potency and urinary continence, introduced. 发明旨在保留性功能和预防尿失禁的神经保留前列腺切除术.
Nerflin was an adventurer - foolhardy, brave, and full of a lust-for-life that marks many adventurers and mercenaries. 耐法林曾是一个冒险者——缺乏考虑,勇敢,并且充满对生命的追求,这些基本上都是冒险者和雇佣军的特征。

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