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Statistical Unit in Construction : refers to the establishment engaged in the construction of buildings and structures and in the installation of equipment.

Statistic calculations are triggered by standard X3 object events, such as the creation or modification of an object record. They can also be done in batch mode. 统计被X3的对象时间触发,比如销售订单录入。也可以用批处理的方式执行。
Statistic result shows that the periodical have high academic level and excellent quality. 统计结果反映出该刊具有较高的学术水平和优秀的编辑质量。
Statistic says people die in head-on collision because the engine was pushed back, which push the steering wheel, which crush into the driver's chest, and cause death. 德国人想的是要把发动机室做坚固,以确保在可能出现的事故中尽量把车的损失减少到最小。而为了人的安全要把驾驶室造的更坚固,以确保在车的损坏不可避免的情况下,还能保证人的安全。
Statistic show that women live longer than men. 各项统计数据显示:女性比男性长寿。
Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) is the text translation by the statistical parameter models obtained from the training corpus, which has become the mainstream of machine translation research. 统计机器翻译是利用基于语料库训练得到的统计参数模型,将源语言的文本翻译成目标语言,它是机器翻译的主流方向。
Statistical Unit in Construction : refers to the establishment engaged in the construction of buildings and structures and in the installation of equipment. 建筑业统计单位:指从事房屋、构筑物建造和设备安装活动的生产单位。
Statistical analyses respect the full continuum. 统计分析显示众人得分分布在整条线上。
Statistical analysis of Russian economic development, oil and gas resources, annual production and export scale in recent years indicate that Russian is no longer an economic super power, but the country's annual production and export are still not neglig 摘要对俄罗斯近年经济发展、石油天然气资源、年产量和出口规模等资料进行统计分析表明,俄罗斯在经济上已经不再具有“超级大国”的地位,但其石油天然气的年产量、出口量仍然不可忽视,原苏联在石油天然气勘探开发方面的经验仍具有参考和借鉴的意义。
Statistical analysis of results shows no corelation between diabetes and protozoa, but nevertheless, a significant relation has been found between the diabetes and the yeasts. 对研究结果进行了统计分析,证明糖尿病与原虫无关,可是与酵母的关系却很密切。
Statistical certainty can be difficult to obtain after major bomb attacks. 在大规模爆炸袭击之后,很难获得确切伤亡人数的数据。
Statistical characteristics of data on such regional rock electrical properties as resistivity and chargeability, which include 3010 pieces of resistivity data and chargeability data from 3010 standard cylinder specimens and 2069 pieces of resistivity dat 摘要整理河北省岩石电性数据5079个,其中地表圆柱状规格化样品3010件均进行了电阻率、极化率测量,地下测井电阻率数据2069个。

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