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In 1974 data was published based on research on Great Dane puppies that concluded that there was a higher incidence of hip dysplasia in puppies fed a high protein, high energy, high mineral diet.

In 1972, the two men developed a new theory called punctuated equilibrium. 1972年,这两个人揭示了一个新理论“间断平衡”。
In 1973, Britain's Princess Anne married Captain Mark Phillips in Westminster Abbey. (They divorced in 1992, and Anne re-married. 1973年的这一天,英国皇室公主安妮与马克菲利普上校在威斯敏斯特教堂举行结婚典礼。(他们在1992年离婚;安妮再嫁他人。)
In 1973, the Korean government recognised the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) as the legitimate governing body of the ort, and the first World Champio hi were held in that year. 1973年,韩国政府认可世界跆拳道联合会(WTF)作为跆拳道运动的合法管理机构,同年举行了首届世界跆拳道锦标赛。
In 1973, the Korean government recognised the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) as the legitimate governing body of the sport, and the first World Championships were held in that year. 1973年,韩国政府认可世界跆拳道联合会(WTF)作为跆拳道运动的合法管理机构,同年举行了首届世界跆拳道锦标赛。
In 1973, the Vietnam peace accords were signed in Paris. 1973年,越南和平协议于巴黎签订。
In 1974 data was published based on research on Great Dane puppies that concluded that there was a higher incidence of hip dysplasia in puppies fed a high protein, high energy, high mineral diet. 在1974年,依据大丹犬幼犬的数字被公布出来,当幼犬被喂食那些高蛋白质,高能量,高矿物元素的食品时,它们更容易发生髋关节结构变形的病症。
In 1974 the Peugeot Group acquired control of Citroen. The acquisition of the chevron brand was completed in 1976, giving birth to an automobile group with two distinct makes. 1974年,标志集团控股东风雪铁龙集团.雪弗龙品牌的收购已于1976年,诞生了由两个完全不同的制造风格组成的汽车集团。
In 1974, I was running for Congress. 1974年,我开始竞选国会议员。
In 1974, Taiwan had its first Waste Cleanup and Treatment Law. 1974年,我们台湾开始有《废弃物清理法》。
In 1974, a magnitude 6.2 earthquake in the same region as Saturday's tremor killed more than 5,000 people. 在1974年,一个6.2级的地震夺走超过5,000人的生命,其地震发生的地点和星期六的大地震是相同的。
In 1974, shortly after our two countries resumed contact, he went to Beijing and served as the Chief of the US Liaison Office. 1974年,中美恢复交往初期,他就担任美国驻华联络处主任。

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