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The lobster is a shellfish.

The lobbies and public areas of the hotels echo with the sounds of the Persian language. 旅馆的走道大厅到处回荡着伊朗人所说的波斯语。
The lobby bar offers happy hour, cocktail and soft drink-the perfect place to unwind and relax with friends and colleagues. 备有各种软饮和鸡尾酒,每日晚6点至8点为欢乐时光,是您和同事朋友放松、休息的好地方。
The lobby is spacious and brightly-lit. Prompt, quality service is offered here. It is an ideal place for recreation, shopping, sight-seeing and business meetings. 宽敞明亮的大厅,优质快捷的服务是您休闲、购物、旅游观光、商务洽谈的理想场所。
The lobbyist begged Lincoln for the reason so he can answer to his client. 林肯说:『回去告诉他,我不喜欢他的长相。』
The lobbyist has pull with the senator. 游说者对参议员有影响力
The lobster is a shellfish. 龙虾是水生贝壳动物。
The lobster is a shellfish. 那是扇状的贝壳。
The local Jewish community was trying to help the family members. 当地的犹太人社区正努力救助这些遇难者的亲属。
The local Party-government system either consists of the relations between the central Party and the governments or the local Party and the governments. 地方党政体制既包括中央党部与地方政府的关系,也包括地方党部与地方政府的关系。
The local Party-government system is different from the central Party-government system, because the former is virtually independent. 地方党政体制与中央党政体制不同,它是一种相对独立的体制。
The local accounting firm will perform documentation and other administrative works, such as preparing purchase and sales orders, invoices, operating bank accounts and maintaining accounting records, under instructions from Mr A. 在本港的会计师事务所会按照A先生的指示,做妥文件及其他行政工作,例如:拟备购货及销售单、发票、打理银行户口、保存会计帐目纪录等。

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