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Bologna have reacted angrily to the many refereeing errors that characterised Juve's victory, but Didier Deschamps insists it was a deserved result.

Bollens, Scott. On Narrow Ground: Urban Policy and Ethnic Conflict in Jerusalem and Belfast. Pp. 51-268. 《在狭窄的土地上:耶路撒冷与贝尔发斯特的都市政策与种族冲突》;51-268页。
Bollinger et al demonstrate that 30%of the mineral oil disappear during the first month and majority of the oil found outside the injection site is in the liver and fatty tissues in the form of phospholipids and fatty acids. 柏林格氏体及其它证明在第一个月内将有30%的矿物油消失,绝大多数在注射处外部发现的油是以磷脂和脂肪酸形式存在于肝脏和脂肪组织中。
Bologna are directing all their attention in getting Roberto Muzzi as the player is highly rated by their coach Mazzone. 博洛尼亚将全部注意力都集中在穆齐身上,因为他们的教练马佐尼对这名球员的评价很高。
Bologna are ready to make a bid for Bazzani, who was born not a kilometre from the club's stadium. 博洛尼亚准备对巴扎尼开价,巴扎尼出生的地方距离博洛尼亚的体育场不到一公里。
Bologna has prompted a mass tidying-up of the tangle of different degrees awarded in different European countries. 博洛尼亚程序极大的规整了不同欧洲国家授予的不同学位之间的混乱状态。
Bologna have reacted angrily to the many refereeing errors that characterised Juve's victory, but Didier Deschamps insists it was a deserved result. 博洛尼亚对裁判的多个误判感到非常愤怒,不过德尚强调尤文的胜利是理所当然的结果.
Bologna, Caso's last chance? 博落尼亚,卡索最后的机会?
Bolognese - Originally from Bologna, there are many versions of this sauce but basically it includes mixed beef and or pork in a rich tomato sauce. 意大利肉酱面——它源于博洛尼亚,这种调味酱有很多口味,但一般都是把牛肉或猪肉用番茄酱腌制而成。
Bolt all the doors and windows before you go out for holidays. 出去度假前,将所有的门窗闩上。
Bolt connection, most popularly adopted in engineering, can connect parts through a hole with adequate strength. 摘要螺栓联接是工程上应用最广泛的连接方式,其功能是连接两钻成通孔的零件要求具有足够的强度。
Bolt free invasive, not use gas cutting reaming, with cutter knife hole, the holes need to make amendments lamellar close to prevent iron into joints and hole cutter wheel machine after use to remove the burr hole, and to remove iron. 螺栓不能自由穿入时,不得用气割扩孔,要用绞刀绞孔,修孔时需使板层紧贴,以防铁屑进入板缝,绞孔后要用砂轮机清除孔边毛刺,并清除铁屑.

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