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The simulation results provide basic data for the thickness calculation of oil film considering dynamic load, and valuable theoretical basis for further research on involute gear with unsymmetric teeth and double pressure angles.

The simulation results indicate that this algorithm is of a faster speed for optimum value searching and a better global optimal searching capability, and that at the same, the diversification of solutions is increased, and the probability falling into th 算例结果表明,该算法具有较快的寻优速度和更好的全局搜索能力,同时增加了解的多样性,减小了陷入局部极值的几率。
The simulation results indicated that the air flow, airside pressure drop, water flow and flux of heat exchange in water side decreased with the increase of frosting time, and the airside pressure increased. 模拟结果表明,随着结霜量的增加,空气侧换热器的换热量减小,风量也将逐渐减小,而阻力却迅速增加;水侧换热器的换热量减小,水流量也减小。
The simulation results match well with the experimental results. 数值模拟结果与实验结果吻合较好。
The simulation results of a batch process shows that the iterative particle swarm algorithm can solve the robust optimization problems of batch processes effectively if there is no state independent and end-point constraints. 对一个间歇过程的仿真结果证明了迭代粒子群算法可以有效地解决无状态独立约束和终端约束的间歇过程鲁棒优化间题。
The simulation results prove that the control system has perfect decouple and self-learning control performance for multi-variable strong-coupled time-varying deaerator water level control system. 仿真结果表明,该控制系统对多变量强耦合的除氧器水位控制对象具有良好的解耦性能和自学习控制特性。
The simulation results provide basic data for the thickness calculation of oil film considering dynamic load, and valuable theoretical basis for further research on involute gear with unsymmetric teeth and double pressure angles. 仿真结果对考虑动载荷情况下的油膜厚度计算提供了基础数据,为进一步研究非对称渐开线的各种特性提供了理论依据。
The simulation results show that guarantee capability for the drop and play-out outage ratio of the proposed scheme outperforms the modified-largest weighted delay first algorithm and exponent proportional fair algorithm, which only take the head-of-line 仿真结果表明,提出的方法对于丢包率和中断率的服务质量保证能力,均优于修正的最大加权时延优先算法和指数正比公平算法等仅以排队时延为优化目标的混合业务调度算法。
The simulation results show that the active vibration isolation system has much better isolating performance against conventional passive isolation system in a very broad frequency range. 结果表明,该主动隔振系统在整个频段均具有很好的隔振效果。
The simulation results show that the algorithm can improve the number of robot shooting in play in both static and dynamic, increasing the number of scoring. 仿真结果表明,该算法在球静态和动态两种情况下均能提高机器人在足球比赛中的射门次数,增大了进球的次数。
The simulation results show that the algorithm is able to track a fast moving signal while suppressing a fixed interference. 仿真结果表明,该算法可以在跟踪快速移动信号的同时,有效地抑制一个固定强干扰。
The simulation results show that the arithmetic can always converge to its real root for the random initial value, and that its precision is alterable, therefore the arithmetic is valid. 计算机仿真结果表明:对于随机给定的初始点,该算法都能稳定收敛到它的一个实根,而且计算精度可控,因此,该算法是有效的。

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