Unleash justice against the vampire nation as Blade.
像刀锋一样对抗吸血鬼国家释放正义。 |
Unleashing a fresh round of fury against economic globalization, 5,000 protesters marched on the IMF and World Bank summit Tuesday, throwing firebombs, sticks and rocks at police who responded with clubs, tear gas and water cannons.
五千名抗议群众周二在国际货币基金与世界银行的高峰会场外发动游行,发泄他们对经济全球化的新一轮愤怒情绪,他们朝警方投掷汽油弹、木棍及石块,而警方则以棍棒、催泪弹及高压水柱反击。 |
Unless I spec for riposte and they have no weapon chain/stronghold guantlets/death grips etc, Beating a warrior without popping evasion becomes a non-possibility.
除非我加出[还击]而且它们没有[武器链]/[要塞护手]/[死亡之握]等等的时候,否则不用闪避而打败战士变成不可能了. |
Unless Japan eliminates those barriers, the U.S. will take sanctions.
除非日本废除这些藩篱,否则美国会采取制裁行动。 |
Unless Javanese and other Indonesian peoples share some kind of consensus, these ethnic conflicts will become a time-bomb in Indonesian society.
除非以爪哇人为主的各族群能够体会到互信互谅以及和平共存的重要性,否则族群问题仍然会是印尼社会的不定炸弹。 |
Unless Jehovah of hosts Had left to us a surviving few, We would have been like Sodom, We would have resembled Gomorrah.
9若不是万军之耶和华给我们稍留余种,我们早已像所多玛,和蛾摩拉一样了。 |
Unless Mexico can persuade its trading partners to increase their protectionist barriers against China, on a discriminatory basis, it can do nothing to remedy the averse impact.
除非墨西哥能说服自己的贸易伙伴国增加针对中国的歧视性贸易壁垒,否则墨西哥将无法缓解中国带来的负面影响。 |
Unless Sakura can collect all of these cards, there will be a catastrophe in the world.
如果小樱不能把所有古罗卡都收服,世界将会面临大灾难。 |
Unless a Wizard is an Animagus who transforms into a flying animal, therefore, he or she must enchant some other object to fly and then ride along.
除非那个巫师是个能把自己变成会飞的动物的阿尼马格斯,否则他(她)必须对其它东西施一些魔法,使它飞起来,自己才能骑上它飞。 |
Unless a certain amount of time is allowed to elapse, it seems in their eyes as if the task being considered were insignificant, not worthy of proper respect.
在他们看来,如果不花一定时间来处理某件事的话,则这件事就好像是无足轻重的,不值得给予适当的重视。 |
Unless a check is signed, it is invalid.
支票除非签了名,否则是无效的。 |