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It may be called the Jigokudani Wild Monkey Park, but the Japanese macaques here have taken up one of life's more civilized pleasures: hot tubbing.

It may be applicable for operation room, ICU, liquid injection, lad, medicine making factory and other places as the driving equipment . 在血液透分中代替主机血泵:可用于手术室、重症监护室(ICU)、输液、实验室和药厂等应用场合作为低流量液体的驱动装置。
It may be associated with polycythemia. 可伴发红细胞增多症。
It may be available in some antique shops.It was once available in antique shops in Jianshazui Marine Building or near Wenwu temple in Hollywood Road.Besides there're Japanese saber and short sword at a booth,but they're expensive and cheesy.You can go an 一些古玩店可能有,有空可逛逛,尖沙咀海运大厦古玩店或荷李活道文武庙附近古玩店也曾有过,另有一摊档有日本军刀及短刀或剑,但品质差价不廉,不妨碰碰运气,祝好运。
It may be awhile before we walk on water, unless it has turned into ice, but the unmistakable signs are present in our everyday lives that each of us are a born with out of this worldpotential. 它可能是一会儿之前我们行走在水面上,除非水已经变成冰,但标记清楚明白的呈现在我们的日常的生活里,我们中间每一个人可能原本就有“离开这个世界外”的潜力。
It may be briefly summed up as follows. 它可以主要概括如下。
It may be called the Jigokudani Wild Monkey Park, but the Japanese macaques here have taken up one of life's more civilized pleasures: hot tubbing. 这里虽然名为“地狱谷野生猴园”,但这里的日本猕猴已经开始享受生命中比较文明的乐趣:泡热水澡。
It may be caused by malfuncton of the temperature regulating center , the response of the center to a pyrogen , exposure to a very high environmental temperature , or impaired dissipation. 其原因可能是体温调节中枢功能紊乱、热源刺刺激,气温过高或体温逸散功能受损。
It may be cold but it's not raining -- let's be thankful for small mercies. 尽管天气很冷, 但没有下雨--应该知足了.
It may be coloured with chlorophyll or not more than 0.015% of a suitable green soap dye. 它可能由叶绿素或不多于0.015%适合的绿皂染料染色。
It may be comforting to know that we can strictly control losses but it is extremely discomforting to realize that we have very little control of our profits. 高兴的是我们能严格控制损失,但十分失望的是我们很少能控制我们的利润。
It may be dangerous to assert too broadly that we have a responsibility to disobey unjust laws, but there are times when events require us to do so. 过分的断言我们有责任反对不公正法律也可能是危险的,但有时事件的发展需要我们这么做。

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