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Eventually, LEAA was using much of its budget to fund experiments, including aversive techniques and psychosurgery, which involved, in some cases, irreversible brain surgery on normal brain tissue for the purpose of changing or controlling behavior and/or

Eventually, Barty Crouch Jr. threw off the Imperius Curse. 最终,小巴蒂?克劳奇摆脱了夺魂咒。
Eventually, I accepted Him as my Lord and Savior. 渐渐地,我接爱了主作为我的救主,和我生命的主。
Eventually, I think we'll talk about computer devices, primarily by what the size and the resolution of the screen are, all the way from the pocket-size device to the desktop device to the wall-size device to the stadium device. 最后,我主要地藉着大小和荧屏的决议是什麽认为我们将会谈论计算机装置从口袋-大小装置到桌面装置到对体育馆装置的墙壁-大小装置的所有方法。
Eventually, I was able to see them both. 终于,我能看到他俩了。
Eventually, I was helped into a mini-truck. 我最终被救助,进了一辆迷你卡车。
Eventually, LEAA was using much of its budget to fund experiments, including aversive techniques and psychosurgery, which involved, in some cases, irreversible brain surgery on normal brain tissue for the purpose of changing or controlling behavior and/or 最终,LEAA用了预算中的大部分资金以资助实验,包括令人厌恶的技术以及外科手术,这包括,在一些案例中的在正常大脑组织上进行的不可逆转大脑外科,目的是为改变和控制行为和情绪。
Eventually, Larry worked up the nerve to shoot a few balloons and slowly descended, landing in power lines. 最终拉里鼓起勇气击破了几个气球慢慢地下降,停在电线上。
Eventually, Mao Zedong adjusted the policy toward Soviet from compromise, concession, and reconciliation as the main keynote to aggressive attack and fight tit for tat. 毛泽东最终调整对苏方针的基调,改以妥协、让步、缓和关系为主为以主动进攻、做针锋相对的斗争为主。
Eventually, Nina saved up enough money to enroll in a reputable fashion designing institute. 最终,尼娜攒够了钱进入一所著名的服装设计学院学习。
Eventually, Ted followed the frantic Spotty across the empty lot as Spotty paused to race back and bark encouragingly. 最后,特德跟着发疯似的斯波蒂穿过空地,小狗停步奔回,用叫声催促着。
Eventually, Zhou Xu became duke himself. 最后,他作了卫国的公爵。

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