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As Chow and Lee are still in Hainan for the shooting, they will come to Beijing at the beginning of December for the recording.

As China's first national shareholding commercial bank, BOCOM has, since its restructuring, been playing two roles as the successor to a century-old national banking brand and the pioneer of China's banking reform. 作为中国首家全国性股份制商业银行,自重新组建以来,交通银行就身肩双重历史使命,它既是百年民族金融品牌的继承者,又是中国金融体制改革的先行者。
As China's second-largest oversize project after Sanxia Project, Longtan Hydropower Project boasts a great consumption of such materials as cement, fly ash, steel products, and admixture, most of which are delivered to Nandan material transfer station by 摘要龙滩水电工程为我国仅次于三峡的特大型工程,水泥、粉煤灰、钢材、外加剂等主要物资材料用量巨大,这些物资大部分由铁路发往南丹物资转运站,再用汽车转运到工地。
As China, India and the former Soviet Union have embraced market capitalism, the global labour force has, in effect, doubled. 随着中国、印度和前苏联成员国采纳了市场资本主义,全球劳动力实际上已经翻倍。
As Chinese industry booms and automobile use spreads, the country as a whole appears to be on a feverish quest for fossil fuels. 随着中国工业的发展和机动车使用的普及,一种对于矿物燃料的迫切要求盛行于整个国家。
As Chinese kids get “lucky money” from their parents and relatives, American children get Christmas presents from Santa Claus. 中国小孩是父母和亲戚给“压岁钱”,美国小孩是从圣诞老人那里得到圣诞礼物。
As Chow and Lee are still in Hainan for the shooting, they will come to Beijing at the beginning of December for the recording. 由于周迅和李亚鹏还在海南拍戏,两人要到12月初才能回北京录制这首插曲。
As Christians, we should speak truthfully to one another. 身为基督徒,我们要与邻舍说诚实话。
As Christmas approached again, Beth was slowly getting better and was allowed out of bed. 随著圣诞节的来临,贝丝的身体逐渐恢复健康,也可以下床走路了。
As Christmas draws near, the shops stay open long after dark. 圣诞节渐近时,商店一直开业到深夜。
As Churchill once famously said, If I were told that the devil were on poorer terms with Hitler, I should find myself making an alliance with hell. 正如丘吉尔的名言:「如果有人告诉我魔鬼和希特拉交恶,我会去和地狱结盟。」
As Citigroup becomes the latest to exit the business, Mr Yukawa recalls one customer saying of foreign groups: They always open and close and never think about clients. 随着花旗成为最新撤出该业务的金融集团,汤川先生回忆道,一位客户曾这样评论:“它们总是开开关关,从不为客户着想。”

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