The university, which has more than 26,000 students, has scheduled a convocation for 2 p.m.
这个拥有26000名学生的大学在东部时间星期二下午2点安排了一个教务会议。 |
The university`s graduate division makes all final admissions decisions, However, if you are accepted into our school, we would be honored to have you as part of our fall 2005 incoming MPH class.
这句话:虽然大学的研究生部(应该是招生处)做最终决定,但是如果你被我们学院正式录取,我们会非常荣幸的让你成为我们2005年秋天MPH班的一员! |
The unjust peace treaty merely set the stage for another war.
不公平的合约只会为另一场战争提供了一个良好的舞台。 |
The unknown class can also be used as the fingerprint which will match packets for which no operating system fingerprint is known.
定的操作系统通行,甚至能禁止没有打最新操作系统补丁的主机通行。 |
The unknown displacement field is approximated by discontinuous, piecewisely differentiable functions.
用间断分片可微的函数来近似未知位移场。 |
The unknown hatches my unswerving belief, makes me persist in sailing against the billow of life.
让未知孵化我不渝的信仰,坚持在浩瀚人生巨流里前航! |
The unknown stranger is wandering pagan god.
匿名的陌生人是流放的异教神只。 |
The unlawful kiln operated by Wang is located in the innermost part of Chao Sheng village, 15 kilometers north of Hong Dong county.
王兵兵黑砖窑厂位于洪洞县北15公里处的曹生村最内侧,王兵兵的父亲王东记是洪洞县两届人大代表、曹生村党支部书记。 |
The unlink() function deletes a file.
函数的作用是:删除一个文件。 |
The unmanned Russian module is expected to dock automatically Tuesday evening EDT with the space station, as the two orbit 240 miles (384 km) above Russia.
这个无人操作的俄罗斯太空舱估计星期二晚上和空间站接轨,然后和空间站一起围绕距离俄罗斯上空240英里(384公里)的轨道上飞行。 |
The unmarketable products and the intensive rivals will hinder the development of China's market.
产品滞销,市场竞争对手密集,这些因素将限制中国市场的发展。 |