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You have no cause for complaining.

You have neither heard nor understood; from of old your ear has not been open. Well do I know how treacherous you are; you were called a rebel from birth. 8你未曾听见,未曾知道,你的耳朵从来未曾开通。我原知道你行事极其诡诈,你自从出胎以来,便称为悖逆的。
You have never attended high school? 你从没上过中学吧?
You have never felt a single ounce of pain your whole life. 你们一生当中从来没经受过一点痛苦。
You have never used your dishwasher. 你从来没用过你的洗碗机.
You have nice long legs, and you should wear short skirts more often to show them off. 你有双漂亮修长的腿,应该常穿短裙现一下。
You have no cause for complaining. 你没有理由抱怨。
You have no cause for complaint. 你没有理由抱怨。
You have no cause to complain. 你没有理由抱怨。
You have no chance, professional fighters train all-day, every-day; how are you going to match these skills with your two-four hour per week training program? 你没有机会,职业格斗家整天训练,天天训练;你怎么能指望你每周二到四小时的训练计划与人家的技术相比呢?
You have no choice but to break away from the illegal organization. 译:除了摆脱那个非法组织,你别无选择。
You have no choice but to do the work. 你除了做这项工作没有别的选择。

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