But weight-watching women who substituted high fat dairy products with skimmed milk or yoghurt could increase their likelihood of being infertile by more than four fifths.
而那些用脱脂牛奶或酸奶代替高脂肪乳品的妇女患上不排卵不孕症的可能性超过了五分之四。 |
But wer must strengthen the surveillance dynamics, in particular country fair trade market, individual commerce, small processing workshop surveillance.
但要加强监督力度,尤其是集贸市场、个体商贩、小加工作坊的监督。 |
But were a North Korean invasion to occur today, they would likely be overrun or forced to withdraw before being able to counterattack.
但是,如果朝鲜现在就发动进攻的话,他们却有可能被击溃或者是在有能力反击以前被迫先行撤退。 |
But werewolves cannot heal all wounds with equal ease.
但是,狼人并不能对所有的伤害都那样等闲视之。 |
But what I like about him was that he never put on the dog to show off his money.
我很喜欢这个朋友,因为他从来也不炫耀自己多么有钱。 |
But what I want to discuss is today, now, you have been a traveler's wife, what will you do?
但是我说的是现在。现在,如果你已经做了一只驴的女人,你会怎么办? |
But what a strange thing this new democracyis!
可是,“新式民主”是件多么新奇的事情! |
But what a world he has left. I can't imagine hitting another human being, let alone killing someone. And yet our world is so torn apart at the moment.
但是他还是离开了这个世界。我不能想象对他人的打击,让孤独来消磨他人。而且在这一刻,我们的世界是如此的支离破碎。 |
But what about AR systems designed for outdoor use?
但专为室外使用而设计的AR系统呢? |
But what about German wine?
那么来上一杯德国红酒如何呢? |
But what about anyone sleeping?
但是如果大家都睡觉会怎样呢? |