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A well-dressed man , who looked and talked like a millionaire, turned out to penniless .

A well-cut diamond will be considerably more beautiful and valuable than a poorly cut stone of the same size, clarity, and color. 一颗切工精良的钻石要比具有同样克拉重量、净度、色泽,然而切工粗糙的钻石要漂亮而珍贵得多。
A well-designed departmental website can deepen cooperation among students. 一个良好设计的网站能加深学生间的合作。
A well-designed knife will have the proper amount of material in the blade and handle - neither too much nor too little. 一把很好设计的刀,其刀体、刀柄应有适当数量的材料,即不要太多也别太少。
A well-designed system meets the flexibility guideline by accommodating changes without needing a complete overhaul. 设计良好的系统符合灵活性原则,它不需要作彻底改变,而是为某些变动留有余地。
A well-developed transportation network is essential to Taiwan's export-oriented economy. 发展完备的运输网对台湾以出口导向的经济而言很重要。
A well-dressed man , who looked and talked like a millionaire, turned out to penniless . 那个穿着讲究,外表和谈吐都象百万富翁的人却身无分文。
A well-dressed man, who looked and talked like an American, got into the car. 一个穿着考究的人上了车,他的外表和谈吐都像美国人。
A well-educated person with good taste should be inbuilt with courtesy as will as knowledge. 一个有文化品味的人,应有知识妆饰,更应有文明的雕塑。
A well-hydrated body is a sign of fitness and health. 一个含水充分的身体是健康的标志。
A well-known director was one of hot favorites to win an award. But he showed little disappointment after coming away empty-handed. 一位最有希望获奖的知名导演,却空手而回,显得有点失望。
A well-known folk song; Kangding is a town at the eastern reaches of Tibet, in Sichuan. Lyrics and word-for-word translation. 一首知名的民俗歌曲;康定是位于西藏东部的一个小镇。歌词附英文翻译。

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