The copyright goes to the original design of all source materials, pictures in this website, if has right infringement, please give a notice, we will immediately delete the related content.
所有素材及图片等的版权归原设计者所有,若有侵权,请另行通知,本站将立即取下有关内容。 |
The copyright in the software of foreign or stateless persons under the agreements concluded with China by the countries to which the creators belong or in which the creators reside habitually or under the international conventions to which China is a mem
外国人、无国籍人的软件,依照其开发者所属国或者经常居住地国同中国签订的协议或者依照中国参加的国际条约享有的著作权,受本条例保护。 |
The copyright in the work shall be enjoyed by the adaptor and translator.
本作品的著作权应由改编者及翻译者共享有。 |
The copyright owner gives no warranties and makes no representations about the contents of this manual and specifically disclaims warranties of merchantability of fitness for any purpose.
版权所有者不对这份手册的内容作任何保证及建议而且特别声明不保证符合任何商业目的。 |
The copyright to the attachment belongs to its original author/creator. If you notice any unauthorized/infringing files or pictures, please notify the corresponding board manager or administrator.
上传文件的版权属于原作者,如果您在磨房看到侵犯版权的文件和图片,请通知相关版主或管理员。 |
The copyright violation will be reported.
侵害版权将会被告发。 |
The copyright wars are a form of contemporary Lysenkoism, a farce wherein we all pretend that copy-proof bits are a reasonable thing to expect from technology.
版权战争是一种当代的李森科主义,在这种滑稽戏里,我们都假装防拷贝比特技术上可实现的。 |
The copyrights of the information not limited to the words, pictures, sound and designing on this wesite are belongs to HISILICON and the information supplier, Except with the permission of HISILICON, any orgnization or persion can not copy, publish, broa
本网站内所有资料包括但不限于文字、图片、声音及设计的版权属于深圳市海思半导体有限公司及本网站的资料提供者所有,未经深圳市海思半导体有限公司明确书面许可,任何单位和个人不得复制、出版、传播、破坏、侵害或擅自使用本网站内容以及将之作为其他商业或非商业用途,禁止在非深圳市海思半导体有限公司所属的服务器上做本网站之镜像。 |
The copyrights of the photos are owned by individual photographers. Please indicate the source in all reproductions.
照片版权属于摄影者,引用时请注明摄影者姓名。 |
The cord shall withstand weight of 500 gram ,it swings from left to right at an angle of 120 degree 2000 times ,the cord should no damage .
输出线末端加500的砝码,从左到右以120度的夹角摇摆2000次,输出线应无损坏。 |
The cords of Sheol surrounded me; The snares of death confronted me.
诗18:5阴间的绳索缠绕我.死亡的网罗临到我。 |