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Functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to “watch” their brains while they slept.

Function:Four continuous scene in one photo. 功能:一张照片可以拍摄四格连续画面.
Functional Polymers division is one division of BASF, which provides the polymer dispersion products to architectural coating, construction chemicals, industrial adhesive, paper chemicals and other related industries. 功能性聚合物部是巴斯夫旗下的一个部门,其主要产品是聚合物乳液,广泛应用于建筑乳胶漆、建筑胶粘剂、工业胶粘剂、造纸工业等领域。其中,涂料工业事业部专门提供生产建筑涂料的聚合物乳液。
Functional equivalence, hardly gettable for a translator, is positively significant as a translation norm. 尽管对译者而言很难实现理想的功能对等,但作为翻译标准,仍有其积极意义。
Functional genomics has proven particularly useful as a means of validating or testing novel therapeutic targets. 功能基因组在评估和检测新药时十分有用。
Functional genomics uses as its starting point the isolated gene whose function is to be determined, and then selects a model organism in which a homolog of that gene exists. 功能基因组用功能不明的分离基因作为起始点,然后选择具有该同源基因的生物模型。
Functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to “watch” their brains while they slept. 功能性核磁共振成像仪开始监测他们入睡时大脑的运作情况。
Functional monitoring was achieved through natural phonation and stroboscopic examination during the operation. 手术中病患并不感觉痛苦,也无并发症的发生;手术后对音声机能的恢复也大多感觉满意。
Functional neuroimaging technologies like single photon emission computerized tomography, or SPECT, and positron emission tomography, or PET, now enable scientists to monitor changes in brain activity. 如今,诸如单光子发射计算机扫描断层成像(SPECT)及正电子发射型断层成像(PET)等功能性大脑成像技术使科学家能够监测大脑活动的变化。
Functional reconstruction of the oral and maxillofacial defects after ablative surgery of tumors is consider to be of utmost importance for the improvement of survival rates and quality of life of the patients. 摘要口腔颌面部肿瘤术后的功能性重建对于提高患者的生存率和生存质量具有重要意义。
Functional: If a man is a sports fan, buy tickets for the two of you to go to a game, Kaiser said. 实用的东西:凯瑟说,如果他是一个体育迷,那就买两张票,和他一起去看比赛。
Functionalism, once the main stream or symbol of design as a product of scientific, rational and practical design concept, will be consistently irreversible in design in future. 摘要功能主义作为科学理性的设计意识在某一时代成为设计核心或设计符号或设计特徵,都始终是设计不可更改的精神。

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