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To the Prime Minister's dismay, however, the portrait had proved impossible to remove.

To the Lighthouse, The Lighthouse.2-pp. response essay. 17有关《灯塔行》和〈灯塔〉的2页的论文。
To the Lighthouse, Time Passes.Selected Shakespeare sonnets. 16《灯塔行》、〈时光流逝〉、莎士比亚的十四行诗诗选。
To the Nike Company,the fifth Avenue. 到第5大街的耐克公司去。
To the Party and Party members, the theoretically mature is the basis of politically mature. 对党和党的干部而言,理论上成熟是政治上成熟的基础。
To the Persians, the archer was symbolic not just of military prowess but of wisdom, leadership. 对波斯人来说,射手不仅仅是军事威力的象征,而且还是智慧的象征,领导的象征。
To the Prime Minister's dismay, however, the portrait had proved impossible to remove. 可令他沮丧的是,那画像根本动不了。
To the Puritan the Bible was in truth the most precious possession that this world affords. 对一位清教徒来说,《圣经》实在是这世界能提供最宝贵的珍藏。
To the Viennese reformers of the time, the quality of civic life was a function of the quality of the built environment, and Gruen thought that principle applied just as clearly to the American suburbs. 对于其时的改革者而言,城市生活质量应该是建筑环境质量中的一部分,格鲁恩原以为美国郊区也准能适用这一原则。
To the Wuxuhai spot must go through a primeval forest, both road sides have many ancient pines and cypresses, with a felling of very long time, seemed to be in those ancient centuries. 到伍须海需要穿过一片原始森林,沿途有很多参天的老松和古柏,给人年代久远的感觉,仿佛置身上古世纪。
To the above problems, this paper puts forward that scenic and historic area of Zhongshan must carry through pluralistic conformity and upgrade in management system, tourism resources development, tour scenic area, tourist line, image of tourist destinati 针对上述问题,提出要实现该风景名胜区的旅游可持续发展,必须对其在管理体制、旅游资源开发、旅游景区、旅游线路、旅游地形象等层面上进行多元整合、提升,重组名牌,以塑造钟山风景名胜区旅游新形象。
To the amusement of Olympic historians, Emperor Nero (famous for burning Rome) apparently entered a chariot race in which he fell from his chariot and did not finish, but still received the champion's crown of olive branches. 令奥林匹克历史学家感到好笑的是,显而易见尼实禄皇帝(有名的罗马暴君)还参加了一次赛车,比赛中从车中摔了出来,没有赛完,但还是得到了冠军的橄榄枝桂冠。

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