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She shook the hammer and, in a flash, Little One-Inch became a tall and noble young man.

She shook her head. “No, disciple, you cannot rest just yet. 她摇了摇头道:“不是现在,我的信徒,现在你还不能休息。
She shook herself and took out the plug. 她抖了抖然后拔出水槽的塞子。
She shook his hand warmly and assured him that his meek and gracious attitude had endeared him and his work to her heart. 她热情地握着他的手,说道:“您的谦恭亲切的态度让我深深折服。”
She shook it to make certain there was nothing inside . 她把它摇了摇,想知道里面确实没有东西。
She shook it to make certain there was nothing inside. 她把它摇了摇,想知道里面确实没有东西。
She shook the hammer and, in a flash, Little One-Inch became a tall and noble young man. 她摇了摇魔锤,随着一道亮光,小不点变成了一个气质高雅的年轻人。
She shopped all day long looking for a new dress. 她为了选购一件新衣服,逛了一整天的商店。
She shortened the shirt by an inch. 她把衬衫截短了一英寸。
She shoudered the hole burden of raising up two children by herself. 她一个人负起抚养两个孩子的全部责任.
She should also support other colleagues in daily secretarial and administrative work. 此外,前台接待员还需要协助其他同事完成日常的行政和文秘工作。
She should be always affable and amiable, amicable and sociable. 她应该总是和蔼,可亲,和平,友善。

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