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Enchant Weapon - Battlemaster : Permanently enchant a weapon to give a chance on striking to heal your party of 50 damage over 10 seconds.

Encased in plate armour, shield and barding, and armed with lance and shield, these elite warriors a capable of deadly charges and are deadly in hand to hand whether mounted or on foot. 由板甲、大盾和马铠,保护着,持着骑枪和盾,这些精锐部队可以发动强力冲锋,也可以骑马或步行进行肉搏战。
Encased in plate armour, these men are formidable when they choose to fight on foot. 由于身着板甲,这些人下马后便是令人畏惧的对手。
Encases the target with ice and dealing 582 to 618 damage and making them immobile for 6 seconds. 使用寒冰来冻住目标,造成582到618点伤害,使目标在6秒之内无法移动.
Enceladus continues to exhale water ice into Saturn orbit, keeping the E ring topped off with tiny particles. 土卫二继续喷发冰粒到土星轨道中,使处于外围的E环充满了微小的微粒。
Encephaloceles are recognized as cranial defects with herniated fluid filled or brain filled cysts. 当存在颅骨缺损,伴有突出颅骨的充满液体或脑组织的囊性结构时,可辨认脑膨出。
Enchant Weapon - Battlemaster : Permanently enchant a weapon to give a chance on striking to heal your party of 50 damage over 10 seconds. 使一件武器永久的获得击中时可能在10秒内治疗你的小队50点伤害。
Enchant Weapon - Mongoose : Permanently enchant a melee weapon to occasionally increase Agility by 120 and attack speed slightly. 使一件武器获得有时能使敏捷上升120点并且少量提高攻击速度的效果。
Enchant Weapon - Soulfrost : Permanently enchant a melee weapon to add up to 54 damage to frost and shadow spells. 使一件武器永久的获得暗影与冰霜伤害最多提高54点的效果。
Enchant Weapon - Spellsurge : Permanently enchant a melee weapon to have a 3% chance on spellcast to restore 100 mana to all party members of 10 seconds. 使一件武器永久的获得施法时有3%的几率时使所有小组队员在10秒内回复100法力值的效果。
Enchanting UI has been vastly improved. 符魔界面有了重大改进。
Enchanting as if with a magic spell; fascinating. 令人心醉的使如同有魔咒般迷住的;迷人的

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