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Swaps the data represented by this descriptor with the data represented by the specified descriptor. The lengths of both descriptors are also swapped to reflect the change.

Swap name cards. In fact, bring all the name cards you've ever collected so that you can prove how well connected you are. 要跟大家交换名片。最好是把你所存的每一张他人的名片都带去,这样你就可以证明你是多麽地人面广阔了。
Swap the items to create blocks of three or more of the same kind. 交换项目可以产生更多的同类型。
Swap the last column with the first. 方法来交换第一个显示列和最后一个显示列。
Swapping the cards, the magician places the cards randomly on one column, and inserts the cards on the other column according to the free choice from a spectator. 魔术师先把五张卡片排上左边,然后按照观众的意愿排上右边的五张卡片。
Swaps on the other hand, come in many different forms. 另一方面,互换是以多种形式出现的。
Swaps the data represented by this descriptor with the data represented by the specified descriptor. The lengths of both descriptors are also swapped to reflect the change. 把当前描述符的数据和指定描述符的数据相交换。它们的数据长度也随着数据的变化而重新设置。
Swarm intelligence in biology society is introduced firstly. 摘要首先,介绍了生物社会中的群体智能。
Swarm intelligence is a kind of intelligence mode enlightened by some intelligent colony behaviors in the nature. 摘要群体智能是一种在自然界生物群体所表现出的智能现象启发下提出的智能模式。
Swarms of locusts will take over all your trees and the crops of your land. 42你所有的树木和你地里的出产必被蝗虫所吃。
Swartz insists that it's simply a matter of time until consumers refuse to [b]patronize[/b] companies that don't tell them what they're doing for the community. 史瓦兹坚信,早晚消费者会不想光顾某些公司,因为他们无从得知这些公司对社区做了什么事。
Swartz was determined to make Timberland a living laboratory for an [b]altruism[/b]-driven culture without [b]torpedo[/b]ing the family business. 史瓦兹决定使添柏岚成为一个活生生的实验室,在不至于摧毁家族事业的前提下,带动一种利他主义的文化。

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