A big shift out of dollars could therefore push up bond yields and hence mortgage rates, damaging America's already crumbling housing market.
对美元的大幅转换会相应抬高债券的收益以及抵押率,破坏美国已经崩溃的房屋市场。 |
A big shout out to all our beta testers! We haven't forgotten about you. Please check the event announcements for your rewards.
一个声音向我们所有的测试员们喊出!我们并没有忘记你们。请查看活动公告来获得你们的奖品。 |
A big storm was just around the corner.
一场大风暴即将来临。 |
A big victory for Big Tobacco.
大烟草公司取得绝对性胜利。 |
A big wave just hit Dan. He fell off his surfboard!
凯蒂:刚刚来了一波大浪,丹恩从冲浪板上掉下来了! |
A big white bear lives near the North Pole.
一种大白熊栖居于北极附近。 |
A big win, huge confidence builder.
一场大胜,让我们建立了非常巨大的信心。 |
A big wind can blow through a small hole.
针尖大的窟窿,斗大的风。 |
A big, black dog was barking at the boy on the bicycle, and a boy was running after them.
一只大黑狗正对著骑脚踏车的男孩叫,而有一位男孩正追赶他们。 |
A big, black mane is hot, shaggy and attracts trophy hunters, but it makes a lion irresistibly sexy to the lionesses, researchers reported.
浓密乌黑的鬃毛虽然给雄狮带来不少的麻烦,除了夏天格外闷热之外,还会招来捕猎者的注意,不过研究人员发现,雄狮的鬃毛对母狮来说却哂形薹ǖ挚沟男晕A? |
A big-power stand against North Korea and Iran? Or rivalry as usual?
一个大国的立场是准备反对北朝鲜和伊朗还是与其正常竞争? |