Marx and Engels inherit and further expound the western philosophical considerations of human beings.
马克思和恩格斯继承了西方哲学关注人及其生存境遇的哲学思维传统,并赋予人本思想新的内涵。 |
Marx and Engels scientifically forecast the collapse of capitalism.
马克思和恩格斯科学地预言了资本主义的灭亡。 |
Marx built up Historical Materialism, which realized the transformations from scientific logic to historical logic, from material logic to human logic, and provided the interpreted principles for the view of subsistence and the view of historical orientat
马克思创立历史唯物主义,实现了从科学逻辑向历史逻辑的转变,从物的逻辑向人的逻辑的转变,为马克思的新唯物主义哲学提供了生存论的解释原则和历史性解释原则。 |
Marx carried out the first crucial critique of subject philosophy, which disintegrated the internality of consciousness as the fundamental framework of modem metaphysics, and by the overthrow of this standpoint of subjectivitysimultaneously pushed modem m
对主体哲学之具有决定性意义的批判始于马克思,这一批判洞穿了作为现代形而上学之基本建制的意识的内在性,从而在瓦解这一“主体性立足点”的同时使现代形而上学本身趋于终结。 |
Marx economics has the worshipful and scientific character that is critical inheriting and extracting existent human civilization production, carrying through the theory study on the foundation of economic facts, developing and perfecting its own theory t
摘要马克思经济学具有可贵的科学品格,即:批判地继承和吸取既有的人类文明成果;从经济事实出发进行理论研究;与时俱进地不断完善和发展自身理论。 |
Marx explicitly pointed out that the human right is not merely the pure right, it also includes the duty, and it is the dialectical unification of right and obligation.
马克思明确指出,人权不仅仅是单纯的权利,它还包括义务,它是权利与义务的辩证统一。 |
Marx gave u ome advice o how to lear foreig languages.
马克思就怎样学习外语给了我们一些忠告。 |
Marx gave us some advice on how to learn foreign languages.
马克思就怎样学习外语给了我们一些忠告。 |
Marx had to some extent discussed the problems of aesthetics and ideology in some of his works but did not give a systematic theorization on them.
摘要在审美与意识形态问题上,尽管马克思提出了问题,但他并没有进行系统的论述和表达。 |
Marx is a great man.
马克思是个伟人。 |
Marx is a pioneer in philosophical history that illustrates the illusion of the nuclear idea of Modernity, namely Reason and its promise on Liberation, through which Marx brings to light the ideological root of value nihilism, most importantly, Marx is al
通过揭示现代性的核心理念“理性”及其解放承诺的虚幻性,马克思在哲学史上最早阐明了价值虚无主义的思想根源,更重要的是,通过对资本虚无力量的剖析,马克思深刻揭示了价值虚无主义的现实根源。 |