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When the municipal water supply network stops, the pressure of inlet disappears, first, second level check valves close, at the same time, because the conduit do not supply pressure to the lower cavity of diaphragm of drainage device, the valve flap of th

When the monk saw him, he laughed. That's more like it! 当和尚看到他,就大笑了起来“是了!
When the moon is at its full, it begins to wane. 月盈则亏。
When the moon rose, Hansel and Gretel found the whole stones on the ground which led them to their home. 月亮升起来了,亨舍儿和格莱特找到了地上的小石头,那些小石头把他们带回了家。
When the mother cleans the house, her kids will not even lift a finger. 当妈妈清扫房子时,她的孩子都不帮忙。
When the motor is not running and is powered up, it locks in position. 当停止运行或加电时,电机会出于锁定状态。
When the municipal water supply network stops, the pressure of inlet disappears, first, second level check valves close, at the same time, because the conduit do not supply pressure to the lower cavity of diaphragm of drainage device, the valve flap of th 当市政管网停水,进口压力消失,一、二级止回阀关闭,同时由于导管不再向排污器膜片下腔供给压力,排污器的阀瓣在弹簧力和一、二级止回阀间介质压力作用下而打开,把两止回阀间回流的介质排放掉,这样起到防污隔断作用,即使第二级止回阀出现内漏,回流的介质也会经排污器排到外面,而不会流进主管网。
When the name of Paavo Nurmi flashed on the electric scoreboard, the Stadium was filled with thunderous applause. 帕沃·努尔米点燃了运动场上一个大盘中的奥林匹克圣火。
When the network-induced delay is less than and more than one sampling period, the augmented state vector method is used respectively to model the system as a finite-dimensional discrete-time LTI (linear time-invariant) system. 在网络诱导时延小于和大于一个采样周期的情况下,分别利用增广状态向量法,将系统建模为有限维离散时间线性时不变系统。
When the new owners came in, they worked in their laboratories and created versions of humans with a different DNA-the two-stranded, double-helix DNA. 当新业主前来,他们在实验室工作,并创造了不同版本的具有双螺旋DNA的人类。
When the new steady state of closed-loop system can be planed, the steady-state input distribution can be produced such that the lowest possible number and positions of actuators can be determined. 当此闭环路系统的新稳态值被指定时,则可由稳态下输入分怖型态决定控制器可能的最少数量反其位置。
When the new students come to sign up, they must hold 2 pieces of photos for one inch, entrance information for free education, all kind of prize certificates and sign up at enroll office. 新生来我校报名须持1寸登记照片2张、《义务教育入学通知书》和各类获奖证书(原件与复印件),到校招生办(华一本校或武昌千家街校区)登记。

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