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Brian:No break until we reach at least one decision. This is dragging on too long.

Brian: so I was assuming that Korea and Japan will meet in the Finals. 有朋友告诉我,说不定决赛是在韩国队和日本队之间进行呢。
Brian: yes, of course, at last i could take day-off. 布莱恩:是的,那当然,至少我可以休息了.
Brianna's flight out of Tokyo was delayed for four hours due to technical difficulties. 布莱安娜从东京出发的班机因为技术问题迟飞了四个小时。
Brian:Alan Greenspan? 格林斯番?
Brian:Ever since I met you, I've been undercover. I'm a cop. 布莱恩:自从我遇见你开始,我就是卧底,我是警察。
Brian:No break until we reach at least one decision. This is dragging on too long. 布莱恩:在未有任何结论前不可休息,这会拖得太久。
Brian:Really? I don't buy it. Don't bluff me with some fake gossip. 真的吗?我不相信。不要用一些假的八卦骗我。
Brian:Well I have some extra-curricular activities I have to go to. 布莱恩:嗯,我要去参加课外活动。
Brian:What a great outfit. What's it for? 布莱恩:很棒的一套装备,它是干嘛的?
Briareus swiftly untied the thongs, using every hand at once, and released his master. 这位巨人把一百只手都同时用上了,迅速解开绳结给主神以自由。
Briatore has been in charge since Renault bought the former Benetton team back in 2000. 自2000年雷诺买下前贝纳通车队之后,布里亚托利就开始了对车队的掌管。

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