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Mary Pickford was a famous star of the silent movies.

Mary Magdalene appears with more frequency than other women in the canonical Gospels and is shown as being a close follower of Jesus. 玛丽亚抹大拉在规范福音书中比其他妇女出现得更加频繁,表明了她是耶稣的一个亲密伙伴。
Mary Magdalene came, announcing to the disciples, I have seen the Lord,and that He had said these things to her. 约20:18抹大拉的马利亚就去告诉门徒说、我已经看见了主.他又将主对他说的这话告诉他们。
Mary Magdalene was the most important woman disciple in the movement of Jesus. 玛丽亚抹大拉是耶稣运动中的最重要女性门徒。
Mary Magdalene, which probably means Mary of Magdala, a town on the western shore of the Lake of Tiberias, is described in the New Testament as a follower of Jesus both in the canon and in the apocrypha. 玛丽亚抹大拉,大概意思是“抹大拉的玛丽亚”,一个台伯里亚湖西岸的小镇,在《新约》上,不论是正典还是伪经,都是耶稣的追随者。
Mary Mary quite contrary; an obstinate child with a violent temper; a perverse mood; wayward behavior. 玛丽十分叛逆;脾气暴烈的不听话的的孩子;乖张的情绪;任性的行为。
Mary Pickford was a famous star of the silent movies. 玛丽·碧克馥是无声电影的明星。
Mary Queen of Scots introduced it to France when she studied there. 苏格兰女王玛丽在法国学习时把这项运动推广到了那里。
Mary Winkler is out of jail. 玛丽·温克尔出狱了。
Mary accused her husband of snore too loudly. 玛丽指责她丈夫打呼噜太响。
Mary actors get theirs start in road shows. 许多演员从街头表演开始他们的艺术生涯。
Mary and Alice were both late for class yesterday. 玛丽和爱丽丝两人昨天上课都迟到了.

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