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The Army finally recognized the usefulness of German Shepherd Dogs during the First World War.

The Ark of the Covenant did not always bring victory to its bearers. 约柜并不总是给它的管理者带来胜利。
The Arkansan replies, “Oh, yeah? Yesterday a 15-foot rattler came at me, so I grabbed it, bit its head off, and spit the poison into a spittoon 15 yards away. 阿肯色牛仔回答道,“噢,是吗?一条15英尺的毒蛇向我扑过来,我抓住它,把它的头咬下来,然后把毒液吐到15码外的痰盂里。”
The Arkansas sighting was later challenged by ornithologists, who argued that it was impossible to rule out the more common pileated woodpecker. 阿肯色州的发现后来被鸟类学家置疑,他们说很难排除那是一种很普通的红冠黑啄木鸟.
The Armando Guebuza Industrial Institute will have 60 classrooms. 阿曼多?格布扎工业学院有60个教室。
The Armed Forces must be able to wage war online. 军队必须能够在网上作战。
The Army finally recognized the usefulness of German Shepherd Dogs during the First World War. (特别是德国)军方在第一次世界大战期间认可了德牧的功用。
The Army is auctioning a lot of old equipments. 军队正在拍卖大批旧装备。
The Army is auctioning off a lot of old equipment. 军队正在把大量旧装备拍卖掉.
The Army then takes all the selectees (without regard to MOS), and assigns them a promotion sequence number, which is assigned according to seniority. 陆军根据资历,将所有入选者(不论岗位)按晋升次序进行编号。
The Arsenal boss also confirmed full-back Emmanuel Eboue would be in the squad for Saturday's FA Cup third round tie against Liverpool after shaking off an ankle injury. 阿森纳主教练同时确认右后卫埃布埃脚踝伤势痊愈,可以在周六足总杯第三轮对利物浦的比赛中上场。
The Arsenal captain made the strange remark in the post-match interview, after Arsenal had lost 1-0 to CSKA Moscow. 阿森纳队长是在球队0比1负于中央陆军队的赛后采访中发表上述奇怪言论的。

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