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A man raises a flag on a nearby pole to signal the catch.

A man one day pick up a butterfly pupa. 有一个人无意中找到一个蝴蝶蛹。
A man opened fire on a Las Vegas casino early this morning, wounding four people before being tackled by off-duty military reservists. 拉斯维加斯一家赌场今日凌晨发生枪击案。一男子在开枪射伤四人后被下班的预备役军人制伏.
A man peeked out from a slight opening in the door way to his apartment and rattled off an account of the killer's second attack. 一人从门道里透过门的小开缝往他的公寓里看了看,急速地数着杀手的第一轮攻击。
A man previously known “for moving nimbly through the terrain of ideological ambiguity” has in recent months swerved more decisively in the direction of state-socialism and a lifetime presidency. 这个人先前因思想模糊而小心机敏地行动,可就近几个月却意志坚定地朝着国家社会主义的道路与终生总统职位的方向进发。
A man rail at me twice but I didn't care. 我不在乎被责骂了两次。
A man raises a flag on a nearby pole to signal the catch. 他们中的一个人在附近的一个竿子上升起一面旗帜向人们发出信号:鲸鱼已被捕到。
A man resembling Michael Jackson offers candy to a small boy and girl in a variant on the Brothers Grimm's Hansel and Gretel tale. 一名长相酷似迈克尔·杰克逊的男子给小男孩和小女孩送糖果,这幅画的背景是格林童话——奇幻森林历险记。
A man revisits the previous significant girlfriends in his life in order to win over the girl of his dreams. 他再次重回他生命中最重要的前女朋友身旁,,并想得到他梦寐以求的女朋友的芳心!
A man ride a horse, listen to the song and buys the cat, Menggu gets the money, he is very happy. 一个男人骑着一匹马,听了这首歌并且买了这只猫,顾梦得到很多钱,他很高兴。
A man rides his motorcycle with the Sheik Zayed highway towers in the background in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Dec. 10, 2006. 去年十二月十四阿拉伯联合大公国杜拜境内,一名男子衬著谢赫萨耶得高速道路旁的高楼大厦骑著自己的摩托车。
A man rides into town on Friday. He stays one night and leaves on Friday. How did he do? 一个人在星期五骑车(马)进城,他待了一晚便在星期五离开了。他是如何做到的?

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